
If you had the name...?

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If you had to choose between Garth or Mike what would you choose for your first name?




  1. Well I knew a couple of Mikes and they were ultra As*holes. And Garth is....the name of that obnoxious country singer guy. 'bout ....Kevin?....Yea I know a REALLY nice Kevin...

  2. I'm leaning toward Mike.

  3. Mike

  4. Garth. I like unique names an my ex's name was Mike

  5. I'd say Garth because its original. Unlike the common name Micheal (Michael Jackson, George Michael) kinda freeky too

  6. I like Mike........

  7. Actually, any name is the only recognition of a person.You can call a person by his/her first name or last or middle name.It doesn't matter.Whether, it may be Garth or Mike,Tom and Smith,etc. etc,.But the name should be cultured and purposefull.My name is Saxena.B,but I would like to be called Krishna Das.Because,I was,am and would'e the deciaple and servent of Almighty Lord Shri Krishna for ever.Utemately,everybody has to go his devine house in last day  of one's life.And, only your name,good works  would accompany with you.Everything would'e remain here in this nasty world.

  8. Mike.  I think Garth sounds harsh and it makes me think of "Wayne's World"

    Not that "Wayne's World" is a bad thing, I'd just rather go with Mike.

  9. That depends I guess... Would you rather be named Steve or Fuquai?

  10. Sebastian.

  11. many Mike in the world.

  12. If I was a guy I guess I would pick Mike over Garth

  13. it is Mike -- I couldn't imagine answering to Garth ..

  14. mike for shur

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