
If you have ever visited ireland???

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what did you think off your stay and what was your favourite thing place and memory of your stay??? thank you! im irish so i was just wondering what visitors enjoy the most about ireland.




  1. EVERYTHING!!!! By far my favorite trip to date!

  2. Okay, I understand that Belfast isn't in the Republic of Ireland. But since it's on Ireland, it's still part of Ireland, just like the rest of Northern Ireland. And here's why Belfast is my favorite place in Ireland.

    Belfast. The Troubles are on serious hold for now and the city is prospering. There are great restaurants and lots of touristy things to do there. The food is vastly improved over what people consider traditional Irish food because a better economy has made a big difference in what people want to eat and what they expect to find in restaurants. (Now that the government has made a serious effort at Catholic Economic Integration in Northern Ireland, things are really hopping in Belfast and elsewhere). Just like the rest of Ireland, Belfast is changing quickly and the hospitality industry is just part of that change.

    Try the Bombs and Bullets Tour. It involves taking a taxi ride through the Shankhill area and then through the Falls Road area (separate taxi's for each area, make sure your drive is a Protestant when you go to Shankhill and your Falls Road driver is Catholic). Your driver can tell you about the walls and murals that divide West Belfast and still manage to drive properly whilst talking all the way. Contact Black Taxi Tour at 0800/052-3914 or

    Don't forget to visit the harbor, it's beautiful. The so called Titanic Quarter is an area along the harbor that is being revamped and made over to improve the city because apparently the docklands got really rundown and a bad part of town, thus needing major improvements that the British government has finally decided to do in the last several years. The Titanic was built in Belfast in what is still claimed to be the world's largest dry dock.

    And Belfast does have great public transportation. Quite a flat city, it is easily walkable for a stroll, a self-guided tour, or a guided tour with a local. The tour on Thursdays and Saturdays that starts outside Crown Liquor Saloon on Great Victoria Street is highly recommended.


    Travel Channel -- Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

    Frommer's Ireland 2005

  3. Went in May 2004, loved it all, want to go back, check out my photos below, someday i will label them all.

  4. I'll have to say, Ireland has been by far my favorite vacation. I loved the landscape, there's one place I really liked, it's a big steep valley, forgot what it's called, but is on midwestern part of the island. Dublin was a fun place, the botanical garden was cool, all in all, I loved Ireland.

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