
If you wanted?

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if you wanted to adopt a child, do you have to be married or can single people adopt as well? if anyone can answer that for me i would apreciate it alot! thank you!!




  1. It's possible to adopt as a single mother.  Jodie Foster, for one, did it.  So did Angelina Jolie.  It's probably much tougher, though.  Better have a lot of money.

  2. It depends on the laws in the state where you live and which agency you go through.  Our agency required you to be married for at least 2 years in order to adopt.

  3. You can adopt as a single person, you just need to show that you have support around you to help you out and someone who can provide guidance as a "father" or "mother" depending

  4. So you want to take a child away from his/her mother, mostly because she probably isn't married, right?

    Then, unless you're a millionaire, you're going to put this child, who has lost his mother, and entire family, in daycare for, hmm, (at work 9/hrs. a day, 30 commute each way) 10 hours. a day?

    WHY?  To fill some profoundly selfish need of your own?  Why not get involved in Big Brothers/Big sisters?

    Hey. why not have your OWN baby?!

  5. Single parents can adopt domestically or internationally depending on the individual country's rules. Birth mothers sometimes state that they will accept a single parent. Usually this is a single mother and not a single father. There is still a fear that single fathers would be pedophiles although this is probably not true in the vast majority of cases.

  6. I know it isn't what you are thinking about... but everybody else answered your question.  Yes, a single person can adopt a child.  

    If you feel that strongly that you want a child then how about becoming a foster mom?  You could have a sweet young child (age is up to you!!) come into your home and learn about what you can do to help the child.  It is very rewarding but also not a permanent situation... you could learn if you really want to be a full time single mom.  And sometimes you fall in love with the little ones and adopt a child that really NEEDS a home desparately.  The children in foster care have parents that have abused them one way or another... there is nothing in the world more rewarding than loving and taking care of someone who needs you.  Just something to think about.

  7. I'm sure you can adopt as a single parent I think you just have to be financially stable and have a good background.

  8. are you independantly wealthy?

  9. Single people can adopt a child.  But you had better make sure that is what you want.  It is very hard to raise a child on your own.  I was a single parent for almost 8 yrs and it was tough.  I worked, went to school, and raised my son.  I always felt like thought I was cheating him out of having a Dad to grow up with.  It would be easy if you were rich and famous but that is not really living in the real world.

  10. Single people can adopt as well.
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