
Illegal Aliens... Your Opinion?

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What do you think about them?

Don't go crazy, I want to hear both sides.





  1. Illegal Aliens are great humble and family oriented people. Most people don't acknowledge their love for America, they just acknowledge the crime a few commit. They help out our economy so much, that most didn't realize it until they started fleeing after the immigration laws took place, and the immigration raids began. The government really knows how much they are needed, or they wouldn't have ever created that little thing called AMNESTY.

    Immigrants boost economy — but how much?

    As Assemblyman Moises Denis, D-Las Vegas, explained: The 2007 state budget “didn’t take into account the true impact immigrants have on the economy, so we underestimated how (the downturn in homebuilding) would affect our economy. Things are worse than they might have been because immigrants are leaving.”

    Aguero says there’s “no question” the issue needs to be looked at. “They’re an essential element to an essential part of our economy — and maybe multiple parts of our economy,” he said.

  2. They contribute to the economy and are a benefit for the US and their home countries.

  3. I think I'm surrounded by them.    

  4. liberal in my opinion, think their liberal ideas meets to the rest of modern american,

  5. I don't mind them. It's sad that some illegals have been doing bad things and they are all looked upon as bad. Every group of people has their bad seeds, and the illegals that I know:

    -do not pop out babies

    -do not collect welfare or medicaid

    -do not parade down the street with their flag in hand

    -speak english (most, not all)

    -pay and file taxes

    -do not work under somebody elses SS #

    so I ask why the hatred towards these people who do no wrong except the fact they are working without a green card?

  6. deport them...deport them alll NOW....despite the not scientific polls that pedro and greasy tony quote all of the time...illegals so drain the systm and do put Americans out of work...if you don't beleive it just fly to mexifornia and drive through my old homw  south,centrol LA....there is evidence in bright and living color what the illegals do to an don't need some swayed scientific study to tell you. you can see it for yourself...or just drive around disneyland and see the brown ghetto anaheim has become....statistics can be swayed to say whatever you want them to say....go look for your self...anaheim now looks no different that

  7. We should build a ridiculous wall to end all walls across the U.S. / Mexico border.  Beef up ports of entry with more waystations and more guards, make them actually CHECK things before letting people through.

    Identify illegals, run background checks, deport criminals and the unemployed and women without children.  Run the rest through some citizenship process if they are employed, clean background or are the responsible guardian of a child.

    Get on with our lives and stop making such a big F-ing deal about a mess our own government allowed to happen.

  8. Illegal Aliens or Immigration in general has been around for many many years, but lately it's been the limelight. Why? because it's an election year. The politicians brought it up thinking it would sway the vote their way for wanting to focus on immigration. But it has actually back fired especially on McCain, and now he's doing the back stroke trying to get that Hispanic vote. The media followed and began to glorify the bad about immigration, so that's all you see on the news today. They don't talk about the taxes they pay, the billions they contribute to the economy every year, the hard work they do, and the savings they put into your pocket for working for low wages. Yes! there's the bad ones, but every group has them, but the media makes people think that they are ALL bad. Illegal immigrants are good people that come here to live a better life and to provide a better future for their kids. You will never see an illegal immigrant standing by the freeway or liqour store begging for money, why? because he would rather scrub toilets then to stoop to that level.

    The Economy Benefits from Illegal Immigrants

    Anti-immigration activists seem to overlook some of the obvious ways that American people benefit from illegal immigrants who work in the United States. Some of the most obvious ways in which illegal immigrants help the U.S. economy are:

    * Illegal immigrants living in the U.S. are also consumers in the U.S. and therefore boost the economy.

    * Many illegal immigrants who work in the U.S. do not file tax returns because they fear deportation and therefore do not collect tax refund payments that they are entitled to receive.

    * Social Security payments are not made to illegal immigrants. Therefore the money that is paid into the Social Security system by illegal immigrants supports payments to American baby boomers who are now reaching retirement age. Illegal immigrants may be a large factor in keeping the Social Security system afloat.


    and they don't put a burden on government services either.

    Undocumented Aliens Do Not Overburden Government Programs

  9. I don't think we need them..

  10. Superman sneaked on a space ship and was adopted by a family.

    ET wanted to go home. The Alien devoured people

    Deport mickey

  11. I don't have anything against immigrants coming to this country to better themselves but illegally I don't agree with.  When they cross the border and take advantage of our health system, welfare and commit crimes and pop out babies like tasty bread that's where I see the problem.  I live in San Francisco, where it is hard to talk to others about issues like this without getting a one track message.  We all know where the politics in San Francisco are based around.  So I don't buy the whole. you're just racist line, because then when you ask them, who is going pay for it they seem to lose their breath

  12. I can't stand them, they bring nothing but negative to this country.  

  13. Well....Everybody that supports them say what hard workers they are and that they work for such low wages.  I say if they are such hard workers why don't they work hard to make their own country better instead of bringing down another one.  They see the land of milk and honey thats why, in the end of things even the illegals are looking for the "easy" road.  It is a lot easier to hop the border and work construction, make babies so they can get free health care, than to actually try to rebuild their own nation.

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