
Illegal Immigration Question! Please Help?

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Ok well a friend of mine came to the U.S. LEGALLY when he was 8 years old but his visa expired, he finished High School with like a 3.9 and he applied to College but has to pay it himself. The thing is he is not 18 yet hes still 17 should he go back to Mexico and do everything legally? Is there any penalties for him because I know that for those who are over 18 if they leave and try to come back they cant get a visa for like 10 years. So what should my friend do??? Im trying to help him as much as I can so please help.




  1. I think there was a recent case just like this one.. Try finding a civil rights attorney that might help. BTW 3.9GPA in high school doesn't factor into citizenship laws, because that's like saying he has more right than a person who is illegal and has a 2.0 that's not how this country works...

  2. he should leave and come back legally, the feds are starting to crack down on illegal immigrants. just look at iowa 900 ppl were deported in the past week. its also a felony to be an illegal immigrant and can go to jail.

  3. AS others have said, he has no penalties since he is still under 18 1/2 what i would do is once he is accepted into college ask that school to give him an I-20 so that he can get a student visa thats the only option he has he would have to go back to Mexico to apply for the visa at a US consulate (theres one in almost every main city) hope that he will be approved (which if he has the money and grades, why not) and then he can come back as a student which will allow him to stay for as long as he is going to school, after that the story just gets harder and harder.

  4. Leave and come back the right way and not be illegal invader like parents.

    Report and Deport

  5. I would contact the Consulate office for Mexico. Not sure were you live so here is the site you can find your local office:

  6. Yes,he needs to go back to mexico and come back legally. Since he is so young,it wont be held against him.

  7. If he leaves before he is 18 1/2 years old he can legally apply for a visa with no penalties from immigration.But after 18 1/2 and he acrues more than 180 days here illegally he will get the 10 year ban.If he is accepted to a college here and he can prove he can pay for it he can apply for a student visa.

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