I posted a question to republicans about illegal immigration earlier and why they are so freaked out about it. Here's a follow up question. Do you think we should make it easier for illegals to become legal? We could enlarge the immigration offices along the border and make everyone entering register with the gov, give them a green card, and thus allow them to be documented legally. We could make an agreement with Mexico to show their citizens how to use the system and become legal. I think we should also allow everyone from Mexico who wants to come here the chance to do so "through this program". Sound like a good idea? If we tried it we would no longer have an immigration problem, they would all become legal and would all be paying taxes and such. We should also give all illegals currently here the chance to use such a program...Problem solved, right?? Or, is the illegal immigration platform just a sleazy excuse to espouse anti-mexican and anti-Latino sentiments??