
Im 47 year old guy can???

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ashtma be cured




  1. It can be controlled but not cured

  2. Asthma can (usually) be controlled, but not cured.  

  3. I don't think it can be cured..only treated from my knowledge.

  4. It can not be cured but it can be treated.  It has been known to lessen naturally in some people.

  5. If you can eliminate the cause of this inflammatory reaction, then perhaps you would be considered cured. Most  medications allevaite symptoms but do not treat the underlying cause.  

  6. NO it can not be cured but it can be supressed

    gooogle it

  7. not really, tho it can be well controlled these days.

  8. No but it can be controlled with medication.

  9. yes it can be cured, there's a commercial on tv about it. you have to ask your Dr. about it!

  10. um well sorta

    it never goes away 100%

    BUT if you get it young like i did (found out at 10)

    you can grow out of it, thats what i did but still carry a inhaler just to be safe.

    Just take your beds, there chouldnt be a problem, it can be very well controlled.

    Ask your doctore about allergy meds to, they can help.

    Hope i helped

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