
Im about to start baby sitting?

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i am 13 and my cuzin is 12 we are about to start baby sitting and we would like to know, Do you have any tips for us?

we are responsible

i can cook, clean and do great with little kids

but what do you look for in a baby sitter?




  1. I'm a sitter and have been for 3 years. Call you local hospital and ask if they have a babysitting call that you can take or CPR this is always good. Now are you sitting together or seperately? Together I don't know how to split the money up ($2 per child per hour would give each of you a $1 per hour per child) SO if you work for 4 hours and had 2kids that would be $16 and that would be $8 each. You need a high energy personality, and have a balance of fun and firm. When you arrive (unless picked up) they will tell you what they expect such as (dinner, bed, bath, tv shows) Ask for some basic house rules such as running and being on furniture. If they ask for you to bath them and you don't feel comfortable than say so, I think that they would perfer you being prepared than having something bad happen. If the kids are doing something and you aren't sure (standing on furinture) and it wasn't told wether or not it was allowed, just tell the child to sit and they are not allowed to stand on the furniture while you are there. If they don't listen than place them in time out (age=minutes) (5 years old= 5 minutes in time out). And than when the parents get home tell them what happened and ask them how they want you to handle it next time?

  2. Great relationship with kids and their families.  Responsible, dependable, true to your word.  Does extra work when not asked- cleaning up, bring extra games/books for kids, etc.  Respectable to parents, good role model to the children, follow parents wishes... ask questions and call them if needed.  Keep the kids safe and your top priority when with them.  Go above and beyond and you'll be wanted!

  3. go to the red cross and take a cpr course.  

    get to know the kids a little while before the parents leave.

    be patient and kind and keep the kids active.

    good luck.

  4. I started babysitting when I was 12. I would bring crafts and games in my backpack to keep them occupied. Remember that if the kids like you they will ask their parents to hire you again so be really nice to the kids. Also, the parents like it the best when they get home and their house is really clean. I would clean the whole house really good once the kids were in bed, even the rooms that the kids didnt really play in. Oh and make sure you do all of their dishes. Just I never went in to clean the parents room. that is their personal space and i think you should keep the kids out of there and you dont go in there either

  5. if my children like the one i choose.

    if when i get home, there isnt a stack of dish's lined up for me to do. (meaning clean up what you dirty for them)

    lastly.. that she is happy that she is working for me and that she enjoys her job and it shows in the comfort of my children..

    i think you will do great.

    ps.. remember this" if for any reason the kids get injured. stuff that dostn cause for an trip to the ER.. let the parents know when they come home.. worst thing that can happen is that the children tell there story to the parents and then the parent has an un easy feeling of you, b/c you failed ot tell her something you might of thought wasnt that important.. trust me it does happen  more than you think.. good luck

  6. I would look for someone with a good personality and sense of humor. Someone my kids enjoy spending time with. I also want a babysitter that has something unique to offer like teaching the kids new games or spending time doing unique art projects. I want my children to look forward to the babysitter coming over. I also want the house and kids clean when I get home. I'd also like someone with first aid and pediatric CPR training in case of an emergency.

  7. honestly, the ability to work well with children of all ages from newborns to 5-year-olds (or something like that).

  8. i have been babysitting for five years and i started when i was 13! good luck! figure out fun activities for different age groups, and get cpr certified. maybe even do the red cross babysitting training class. parents like to know you have training and are well prepared! start off w/ kids 3 and older. parents w/ babies are less likely to hire someone as young as you are. good luck! oh and i would charge about 6 per hr for 1 kid, 7 for 2 and 8 for 3. you are young and inexperienced, so you have to start out cheap, but when you gain experience you can raise those prices! :)

  9. take a CPR babysitter course thru the Red Cross.

  10. experience,age,maturaty,education,lifest...

    start out with family members then work yourself out

  11. keep your cool don't stress.

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