
Im bored!!!?

by  |  earlier

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do you know enething i could do??? Its 30 degrees out side. no mean comments!




  1. My 15 y.o. is always bored. I tell her to write to an old friend or

    change your bedroom around or bake cookies. Sound interesting?

  2. it depends on where you live.I know I live here in upstate NY where it is cold half the year. I still go for walks when is't cold I just put a coat on. I thnk the cold air is suppose to be good for you.  If you got someone to go with its' much funner. There are also alot of good movies comming out.  Play cards,  i don;t know your living situation. there are lots of things you can do when it's cold out. sometimes you just need a friend to do it with> so hey e-mail me let me know your stats!

  3. have a film fest, watch all the movies you wanted to watch but haven't, or rewatch those that you like best.

    curl up with a good book.

  4. Stay inside drink some nice hot coacoa and read a good book or watch tv
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