
Im confused!!!!!?

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i must write an essay but i dont exactly understand the question

it says i must right an essay about how education is important in life other than it'll give you better jobs

it also gives me three things to write this is what i dont understand

2) explain what needs of the individual and community are met by education

3)indicate HOW education meets the needs you described in #2




  1. i dont know........

  2. idk I am not good at English (composition), I am better at math

  3. You're home schooled and you can't get help??? That kinda defeats the whole purpose doesn't it?

  4. Go from the requirements for the field that you desire to work .

  5. Education provides you with knowledge and knowledge is power. If you know about the problems of individuals and the community and research how to put the problems right you have achieved the aim of education to impart knowledge. If you then put this into action you have put education in the field of meeting needs

  6. ask the teacher

  7. The point is to think about the question, what besides a better job, can an education give you?  Perhaps things like the ability to think and reason, to find out things you are curious about, to recognize fallacy, to express yourself, use technology, increase your awareness of the world outside of your small circle, make you useful to the community and economy...

    So now, the other two might be easier since you have a place to start.

  8. Education gives you the skills to use in everyday society. It should teach you to think critically so that you can choose wisely when shopping, or dealing with the carpenter who comes to fix your floor or the plumber who mends your leaking tap.

    It should teach you to be able to use money efficiently, how to read the papers to know what is going on in the world. How to function in society. Imagine if you could not read or write. How would that affect your life? Not so much in the kind of job you can do, but the people you meet, the things you cannot know because the information is all in a book. If you get a new car. the book tells you how to use it properly. If you need to sign a contract for the buying of a home, how do you know that you are signing what they tell you are signing?

    It should teach you how to make judgements about which people to associate with and whom to avoid as they do wrong things. The people you go round with will be the people from whom you choose a future partner. An educated couple have a chance of a more fulfilled and interesting life and can in turn, become doctors or teachers or nurses who are invaluable helps in our communities. You are a help to others.

    Hope you can go on from here. They are only random notes because I think it is best if you make sense of it in a way that helps you write your own essay.
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