
Im extremely afraid of driving????

by Guest58958  |  earlier

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im turning 15 in a couple weeks. i just watched 2 shows and they were talking about driving, slkfjsdfls! now i cant stop thinking about it!!!! im going crazy. im sooo paranoid, i worrry wayyy too much! are you supposed to drive when u go into drivers ed? or are you allowed to drive before that ? does the school expect u to already drive with ur parents before u get in ?......... HELP!!!!!! im afraid i will go too fast or not press on the brakes good ... sdfdsfsd




  1. just have a cocktail first you will be fine...

  2. There is nothing to be afraid of.  Just pay attention and keep your eyes open.  Watch out for the other drivers.  Don't text or talk on your phone while driving, it is too distracting.  Driving comes naturally, i was very afraid also but my dad was a good teacher. Don't be afraid to ask questions.  Not sure? Just ask. No matter how stupid the question is.  Do the speed limit, don't feel like you have to go faster because someone is tailgating you, the can pass you if they want.  Pay more attention to the person in front of you. Don't speed because you think it is cool.  I come from Jackson, NJ and we probably have a record of car accidents and teens die in our town.  Just be smart about it.  Have your friends adjust the radio, if they are getting too rowdy be assertive and tell them to quit down, it is your car.  But don't get cocky and act like you are the best drive in the world, admit to yourself you are a beginner and just take it easy.  I'm sure you will be absolutely fine.  

  3. believe me..everything will be alright. i know driving a car looks & seems scary but it really isnt that bad. take it from me..i was just as scared as you are.

    your not expected to drive before school or even anytime. you go at your own pace & you'll have someone you trust help you.

    your only have time.

    just dont worry.

  4. Every driving school is different,however no school would expect you to know how to drive before you go there as it is their job to teach you and (at least where I live) it would be against the law for you to drive before drivers ed anyway.  

    If you're really nervous about going too fast etc, try practicing in your driveway with your parents.  It's not against the law as long as you keep on your property.  Anyway, that's what I did and I felt really comfortable when I first started driving lessons.  Everytime I came home from somewhere, whoever was driving would stop at the bottom of the driveway and we'd switch seats so I could drive up.  It really helped me with learning how hard I needed to press the pedals, etc.

    Yes, driving can be kind of a scary thing.  Once you get behind the wheel, you will notice just how many dumb drivers there are out there as well as other thigns that you have to watch out for.  The biggest thing is to keep calm and pay attention to your surroundings.  If you do that then you should be fine and won't have to worry about causing accidents.

    Edit - Not to criticize the person below me, but what they have said is COMPLETELY different from the driving laws where I live (permit age, restrictions, etc).  Just so you know, the driving laws are different everywhere.  Even in the US, they differ from state to state.  So you should probably just do an online search for your local driving laws since they're so different depending on where you live.

  5. Lol me too.

    No driving at school in drivers ed.

    They will teach you. After 2 minutes behind the wheel you will get the hang of it, I promise!

  6. When I took drivers ed, I think I'd driven once for like 5 minutes before that. The teachers are really good, and keep in mind they have pedals and a steering wheel on their side too, so if you s***w up they'll catch it real quick, it's not like you'll get in a wreck. Just take it slow, read the driving book, get one of your parents to take you out in a big empty parking lot and do a few laps around, and then just relax and trust your drivers ed teacher. You'll be fine.

  7. no drivers ed is in the class room,then you get a thing saying youve had 30 hours of class room time,you bring that to the dmv to get your permit,then you have 3 classes on the road,then after 6 months and your 16 you'll be able to get your provisional licencse!

  8. just relax and let the drivers ed teacher teach you

  9. Most people have the fear of driving because they think they will crash.  Driving is very simple like walking.  In driving ed, you learn how to start a car and such and other stuff.  You will have to drive when they test you.

  10. Relax. You'll learn. It's not that bad.

  11. Get a driver's permit and practice with a parent in an empty parking lot (or some other vacant, large space) so you can get the feel of how sensitive the pedals and steering are of an automobile.  Practice driving forwards, cornering, reversing, and braking.  You have nothing to worry about.  Just don't get too nervous or negative.  Driving can be really fun!  If you've ever driven a go-kart or something like that, a real car isn't really much different.  It's just bigger and faster.

    Good luck!

  12. relax :) well, when your 15 1/2, you can take a drivers education class. its not mandatory, its completely up to you. not everyone has a driving liscense now. but if you decide you want to, heres what i learned through my experiance : during drivers ed, you do not actually physically drive. they just teach you rules and about cars and all that stuff. once you have taken 30 or 35 hours of drivers ed class, your teacher should give you a pink slip. this pink slip is important because you need to take it with you down to the DMV (department of motor vehicles) in order to take a WRITTEN test (about driving rules and all that). once you pass, you will get a drivers permit. the permit though, is not valid until you sign up with a driving school and the teacher signs your permit before the first lesson. with the driving school, you will take 6 hours behind the wheel (actually driving) . relax though, because there is a teacher right next to you, and they have an emergency brake, and gas pedal on the passengers seat as well. at first i was nervous. but during the first session, they only will probably take you in a small less isolated street. then once they think your ready, they will take you to a busy street, and maybe eventually a freeway. my hands were sweating for the first second i drove on the freeway. but i got used to it. after you finish the sessions of 6 hours with a driving school instructor, you will need to drive 50 hours with a parent. once your ready, you can take your drivers test for the permit. (note: you have to wait until your 16, and wait at least 6 months after you got your permit, before you can take the driving test). remember, as long as you have a permit, you can only drive with someone at least 25, who has a liscense. good luck :) dont worry; during drivers ed they should teach you everything. wow i typed so much, my fingers feel funny LOL  .....once again, good luck :) please vote best answer :)  

  13. im 16 and the same way, but its not that bad when your in the car. Just drive safe and you should be fine

  14. i was a bit afraid also when i started but now its no problem.  don't worry its easier than you think

  15. i get how you feel.

    ive had my permit for 4 months and ive only driven once.....but when i was younger i crashed 3 cars.

    i have to drive my grandma around tomorrow and i'm scared as well but the more you get behind the wheel the better you'll get at driving..


  16. I had drivers ed last year....

    Its a great class depending on your teacher.

    They teach you pretty much the basics you need to know about driving, just simply relax and you'll be fine.

    Yes, you do have to drive in the class.

    You can drive w/ someone whose 21 or older and has a license IF you already have a learners permit.

    The school does not expect you to have driving experience but knows that some people may have it.

  17. though driving is not allowed at ur age...but more earlier in ur life u learn it...benifitial..its an adventure ,,,but taste it in ur young age....

    so ..go and learn driving

    All the best

  18. we all worried about being bad drivers in the beginning,

    i used to be horrified that one day i would come to a situation and make a bad choice.

    it is true, practice makes perfect you have to just get that practice.

    one thing you can do is go to an empty lot and practice driving there, there is always Drivers Ed that you can take.

    as you drive you will become more comfortable.

    another tip is dont rely on everyone else to drive well, while on the road because they will let you down

    stay smart and alert you will be fine

  19. in driveres ed they have brakes so it dont matter, i just took drivers ed a few months ago and i went to fast around the corner and could of spun out but the teacher hit hte brakes and slowed me down, i still passed, everyone did.. therres nothing to worry about. i got my permit and still not a big fan of driving but im doing good. oh and btw, i had no experiance b4 i went and neither did my partner so its perfectly fine, your insturucter will explain everything.

    Good Luck.

    Dont worry. :]

  20. ignore people when they say get over it.

    I'm the same way, I'm terrified.

    just take it slow and ask your parents for help.

    and yes you can drive with them, just not on main roads.

  21. thats how everyone starts at first. get practice by driving very early in your neighborhood. thats how you get practice. then driving becomes a habit that sometimes you dont want to do

  22. Practice makes perfect. You are smart to be wary of driving, because that means that you will be a careful driver.Way too many drivers are careless.

  23. I think thats very young to start driving and yes I know billions of kids in the world are but I had some friends that were 15 and died cus they got in a crazy accident I'm not trying to worry you but wait till your like 16 or 17

  24. get over your fear.

  25. Don't stress.  When you go to the registry to take your written test and pass you will be issued a learners permit.  Your parents can take you to empty parking lots to start and go on roads that aren't busy and get accustomed to the car before you take any lessons on the road in driver ed.  Everyone is nervous at first.  You will be fine.  If you ever road a bike try to remember how scary it was the first time and how you fell and couldn't stay up.  That scary feeling went away after you rode for awhile.  The same goes with driving.  Sometimes being a little nervous is not a bad thing it keeps you vigilant.  You'll be fine just don't let your nerves keep you from driving because that will stop the more you drive.

  26. Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, it is a consequence of science and engineering, although several technological advances predate the two concepts. Technology is a term with origins in the Greek "technologia", "τεχνολογία" — "techne", "τέχνη" ("craft") and "logia", "λογία" ("saying").[1] However, a strict definition is elusive; "technology" can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include "construction technology", "medical technology", or "state-of-the-art technology".

  27. RELAX.

    lol. im turning 17 in 12 days. and i just finished my driving lessons. i took 4 hours in class and 10 hours in the car. my first time i was SO SCARED. but my teacher only took me around the neighborhood because it was my first i didn't go on to the actual roads with lights until my 3rd lesson. the teacher always has a brake of their own.. so they can stop the car or slow it down whenever. don't worry about it. take lessons and everything will be fine. just practice. After like 5 minutes behind the wheel, you will get the hang of it.Now i always want to drive! here in Canada, you get your g1, and to get that you have to do the written test. with your g1 you can only drive a car with a person in the front seat with you that has at least 4 years experience. and no highways. after the road test you get your g2, with your g2 you can drive around everywhere alone except highways. then after you get your G , you have your full license and can drive everywhere alone, highways etc. don't be scared! :)

  28. u get a learners permit before or during drivers ed. the learners permit allows u to drive with your parents in the car with u. dont worry, you'll be okay. get some practice with ur parents before drivers ed though, so u can make sure you'll get a good grade and youve had practice.

  29. my son has his permit and he hadn't driven at all except a little bit around an empty parking lot.  He went through the written part of the class then had 6 hours behind the wheel with an instructor after passing the written part.  Now, he has to have a learner's permit for at least 6 months before he can take the driving test at the DMV.

    If you are still uncomfortable and want to wait to have the responsibility, there is no requirement that you get your license now.  Lots of kids here in southern California wait until they're 17 or 18.  Some people just aren't ready and you should not feel forced into it.  The hardest part about driving is knowing what to look for and being able to make split-second decisions on the road.  If you live in an area with a lot of traffic, pedestrians, freeways, and bicyclists, you have to be even more careful because one little mistake can cost someone his or her life.  I'm not saying that to be harsh, but it's a reality.  You are smart to take it seriously because it really is serious.

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