
Im freaking out about this ticket?

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i have been driving for about 6 months now. I got my first ticket today. I got one of those "failure to stop at a stop sign ticket" How much will that ticket cost. I am covered with century 21 insurance and I am paying almost 3,000 per year. How much wil it go up




  1. Check your state rules.  In Ohio you can take a remedial driving class but it doesn't knock the ticket off, it just increases your maximum amount of tickets you can (or points onyour license) to keep you from losing your license.  However I do think it looks good to your insurance so it may help keep it from going sky high.

  2. DON'T worry about it.

    Sure you got a ticket, but even if you are convicted and you pay the fine, since its only your first ticket, they will give you the option to take traffic school (if they don't, you can ask the judge for it and he'll give you it if its your first ticket)

    With traffic school, you pay the fine for whatever your ticket is, probably a couple hundred or less just for the ticket. Then you pay a fee for traffic school (usually under $50) and you have to take a traffic school class. You basically go to a class for a day and they teach you about safety, laws, etc and when your done with it, you will be given proof of completion and then you follow the instructions the court gives to you on how to submit that verification. When its all verified that you've taken it, the ticket will show as "dismissed" on your driving record, and your insurance rates will not go up because you have basically erased the ticket from your record by taking driving school.

    This only works once every 18 months (in CA at least), so be careful next time, for now, if your state allows traffic school (most will) it wont affect your insurance!  

  3. Figure about 10% increase due to the ticket!

    Request to take Defensive Drivers Class to keep it off your record and then.......STOP AT STOP SIGNS!

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