
Im fridget :( :( :( :( :( :(?

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Everytime i get a boyfriend, they end up dumping me because i'm fridget. I think I'm fridget because i don't wan't to do anything with them, because i don't wan't my parents to find out i have a boyfriend, because they go all... weird :S.

How can i tell my parents i have a boyfriend without them going phsyco?

Or how can i overcome my fear of being a fridget :[




  1. Well how old are you...if your about 16.... then tell them you like this guy. That you and him know your limits, that your still interested in school and you just want to test the waters. If your parents are still mad, just explain its time to grow up and that your responsible and you will apply whatever they have taught you to have a healthy relationship.

    Good luck!

    If the boys just want "YOU" then they're not worth it. A REAL guy will be ok with limits.  

  2. That doesn't mean your fridget. Not doing anything with men is smart. Get to know someone . You don't have to do anything with any body . Find out what they are about . If they want to call you fridget -who cares. They just didn't get what they expected and they are making an excuse.Don't let people take advantage of you . You will meet someone when it is time. It may seem like a long wait until you are on your own but time flys faster than you think. Don't do anything you feel uncomfortable about doing. If you think its wrong, it usually is . Your parents are worried about you and love you  and they don't want some guy taking advantage of you.Don't trust everybody. There are only a few truly nice people out there.Be cautious. You will meet someone who respects your feelings.If not then don't disrespect yourself  for some guy who will move on to some other innocent girl.Don't become a bimbo.

  3. ur not fridget

    just because u dont wanna do anything with then..

    talk to ur perents tell them about ur bf n that ur not doing anything with him

    am sure it will help then understand

  4. wait for some years

  5. Is that even a real word? Anyone? Probably because you are too young that is why your parents wouldn't be happy with it.

  6. hi fridget, i'm anna :) :) :) :) :)!

  7. First off, learn to spell.

    Secondly, if you are over 18, then who you date shouldn't matter to your parents. You are adult enough to tell them you have a boyfriend, and they are just going to have to deal with it. If you are under 18, then it is understandable that they are going to go nuts over you dating, You are still a child to them.

  8. what age are you huni?

    if your not ready for a physical relationship it doesnt mean your frigid... it means your not READY! and the fact that you dont even know the spelling of the word is indication enough that your too young!

    and when the time comes that your ready... itll be with the right person

    YOUR ONLY 14... YOUR NOT READY FOR PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP. YOUR BODY NEEDS TO FULLY DELVELOP AND ITS ILLEGAL. slow down, your obviously smart enuf to know your not ready for sexual rekationships. if guys want to be immature and ignorant about something as important as s*x thats their choice! dont let them get you down!!

  9. You're not frigid, you  just aren't ready  for a boyfriend yet.  So stop sneaking around behind your parents backs. No wonder you can't relax and enjoy  having a boyfriend if you are constantly  worrying if your parents will find out !  Are you doing this because you think  you are old enough? Or because all your friends have boyfriends? or because  others at school are teasing you because you are single?  When you are emotionally, physically, mentally  ready then it will happen. Don't put a deadline on this

  10. let your parents catch u, hehe, sorts it our for ya :P

  11. Honey, you sound very young. That is not meant to be mean. So I really wouldn't worry about being "frigid" at all.

    If a boy dumps you just because you won't have s*x with him, then he has no respect for you as a person. That is the kind of boy that has s*x with you, then spreads around school just how "easy" you are.

    As to your parents going all "weird"? Speaking as a mum, well I'm afraid that is called caring for you. Have you spoken to them about it? You might be surprised.

    But please stop worrying about it. Just because you don't feel ready to have s*x? Life is so much more than that. Just enjoy being you.

  12. How can you possibly know you`re frigid at age 14. You are still too young to have a sexual relationship with anyone. No wonder your parents are concerned. After a few more years, you will better understand that casual s*x is not the way to go. As you get older and get a steady boyfriend, I think you will find you are not at all frigid. Just don`t rush it yet. You have a lifetime ahead of you.

  13. just be up front with your parents and let them know you have a boyfriend

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