
Im going on a hiking holiday?

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whats the best way to prepare my tootsies




  1. The right boot's or shoes is the most important thing. Just make sure you have hiking boots that fit well.

  2. As others have answered, comfortable shoes/boots, quality socks (kept clean).  It's important that your boots ar broken in - DON'T try going in new boots!!!

    What I used to do to prepare prior to going on a long trek was to wipe the soles of my feet with Isoprpyl Alcohol several times daily. This toughens your skin and makes it more resitant to blisters.  

    Isopropyl alcohol can be purchased at any pharmacy. Do NOT use Rubbing Alcohol - it's not the same.  Use cotton balls or tissue paper moistened with the Isoproyl and generously apply to all of the underside of your feet and part way up (where ever you might develope a blister). It will take 30-40 treatments to notice a lot of change, but will be well worth it (have you walked 15 miles with 40 Lbs on your back with open blisters??).

    Another thing I'd do is wear a thin, tight fitting dress sock inside my walking sock.  This layer served as a second skin.  Try something like nylon that allows sweat to exit.

    If you should develope blisters and MUST get back, try chanting "pain is all in the mind" repeatedly.  That little mantra got me home from Adlophus Lake (Mt. Robson BC).  

    Good luck - I wish I were stil young and healthy enough to risk my tootsies!


  3. vaseline every nightcovered with socks and invest in a good pair of hiking boots

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