
Im in a homeschooled problem!!?

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im homeschooled. My parents are coming up with new rules everyday.i cant take it. they threten to send me back. i hated school.they sent me to christian friends no cute boys and i want to be jewish. they just ruin this!!! I dont understand. i want to know if there is something wrong with me. Please help.

i also have a problem they dont know about. i felt like on christmas week i shouldnt have to work on my school assignments but they were due.i got WAYYYY behind. How do i catch up by 9pm tonight. i have until then when i have to show my work to my parents,becuase they need to know if my grades are good. they are but ive got some problems keeping up now. its overwelming with them over my shoulder. what can i do besides go back to school.




  1. Take responsibility for the problems you are having with your parents.  Be honest with your parents about what not having completed your assignments, and come up with a plan to catch up.  Ask your parents what you can do to earn their trust, and do it.  If your parents know they can trust you to follow their rules and make good decisions, they will probably lighten up a bit.

  2. Good for your parents for taking the time to give you an education.  Public school won't do it.  I realize home school is not as easy and doesn't have as much opportunity for socializing and goofing around, but that's not what school is for.  You should do those things in your free time.  School time is for study and learning.  Your parents are right.

    I don't know if you can "catch up" by 9:00 or not, because you don't say what all there is to do.  My advice would be to do what you can in the time you have, and face the music at 9:00 for the rest of it.

    For what it's worth, your parents know you're behind.  They live in the same house with you and can see what you're spending your time on.  They have been allowing you to dig your own hole, in the hope that you will learn something from it and schedule your time better next time.

  3. It's not really a homeschooled problem; it's a child-and-parent-not-seeing-eye-to-eye problem.

    Your job is to be obedient to your parents. They are not asking you to do anything dangerous, illegal or morally questionable. You don't have to agree with them, you don't have to raise your kids the same way, but you do need to do as they say. Perhaps if you listened to them and did as they said they would stop making up new rules for you. It's all about you seeing it as though they are guiding you the best they know how. Accept it and know that they are doing it because that's the way they know how to love you.

    You probably can't catch up by 9pm tonight. That's also a common problem regardless of where your schooling is done. Do the best you can and deal with whatever the consequences are for not getting your work done. Also, this type of behaviour is perhaps part of the reason they are on your back all the time: if you can't show yourself to be trustworthy, they feel the need to be there. Do what you can to be proud of yourself, to know that you are trustworthy, and you'll see that they will back down.

  4. Talk to your parents about this. Sit down and clearly define your issues. Then be ready to open up and listen in return. Talk to your family's spiritual adviser and see if he/she recommends family counseling. Perhaps you might benefit from a tutor or some coop classes?  You sound like you are feeling alot of pressure.

    Good luck.

  5. Why are they creating the new rules? Ask them, without attacking, this question. If you are having trouble, then perhaps they are adding more required time each day to encourage you to catch up. There is nothing wrong with you, per se. I think that you're feeling unsupported, unheard and like you can't predict what's going to happen.

    I'm not against you, but as others said, this isn't a homeschool problem, it's a parent problem. Many parents do this. That doesn't make it right, I feel it's rather disrespectful to you. I'm wondering, they sent you to a christian school but you're homeschooled? Is it a charter school or something?

    It's after 9pm here, but I hope that things are going okay in your neck of the woods. Good luck with all that work.

  6. You're not in a homeschooling problem; you're in a parent-child relationship problem.  Talk to them and show them what you wrote here ... they cannot help you if you're not honest with them.

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