
Im in need of some help...?

by  |  earlier

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my sister is always taking my stuff... ALWAYS. i tried putting it all in my room, but she just goes in and takes it. its a lose, lose, lose situation for me! if i let her get away with it, she'll never stop and think its ok. if i b**** at her for it, she turns it into this huge deal and it sucks, and if i say no when she actually asks to use my stuff ((she always loses it)) then she says im a b**** and all this c**p! so i really dont know what to do! help?




  1. talk to your mom about it? maybe, even though this is kiddish, get one of those things that scans your eye or soemthing to let you in. good luck with your sister

  2. firstly, is she younger then you or older then you?

    if she is younger, and i mean like a lot younger then she does not know any better, and hide ur stuff in a place she cant reach.

    if she is older, then tell her just as thy must respect the elder, the elder must respect thy younger.

    ask your parents if you can have a lock 4 your room as long as you only keep it locked during the day, and not the night.

    good luck

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