
Im living with my boyfriend?

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Ok heres the deal i am 17 n my boyfrind is 20. ive been living with him for 2 months and i have been dating him for 2 years. i have no contact with my parents they want nothing to do with me because i moved out, ever since i moved in he has become a sexaholic.all he ever wants to do is s*x..i dont know weather to tell him i dont want to any more or just let him...his really abusive when it comes to us having sexual inercouse so i dont know wat to do. if i tell him its to much im scared he will go look 4 s*x some where else.....




  1. You could be in a potentially dangerous situation and you need to talk to someone besides your boyfriend about it. They can judge the situation and if they personally know him, they'll be able to determine if he's a genuine jerk or if this is just a stage.

    This could lead to abuse, which you shouldn't have to take. If this starts getting ridiculous, I suggest moving out.

  2. YOUR PARENTS WILL ALWAYS TAKE YOU BACK, SAY YOU ARE SORRY AND GO HOME......all they want is for you to be happy, just....go home, work on that relationship, this man.... is bad..... go home, go home, go home!!! I know you are young, but if you fear he will go find s*x somewhere else.....then well....he doesnt really love you. A man in love will not want a prostitue, he will want his love. Same for women.

  3. this is probabbly normall u have just mooved in he is probabbly eager for s*x but u should talk to a doctor about him being overlyactive on s*x

  4. do you have a friend or another relative you can stay with. if not & you really are scared get to a womans shelter.

  5. your too young to be commited,,,do you think you two can realy handle a family if ever u will be blessed with an angel..find a proper time to talk with your boyfriend tell him what u feel dont be scared just explain to him in ure best that u know he will understand u,,tell him that u will not have a future if all u will do is to have s*x ,,,if he realy loves u,,he will understand ,,just dont be afraid go ahead and do what u think is right,,gud luck and God bless u always

  6. just tell him how you are feeling. when doing so tell him you are not denying him s*x but you are just letting him know how you feel. hopefully he'll pipe down on the s*x on his own. good luck!

  7. Leave him. What he is doin is just wrong he's just using u. Tell your parents they will understand. Trust me. They love you.

  8. This just shouldn't be happening! You need to break up with him, being abusive is just wrong! He doesn't love you, all he wants is s*x. Once you've done this it's important that you talk to your parents. Tell them that you're sorry and it was a bad decision. Ask them if they can forgive you. I hope all works out.

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