
Im only 14?

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i wanna be an actress and singer. music is like my life!... how can i get into acting. i know i can sing. but i dont think that my parents would support my dreams. and second off i wouldnt know where to start. anybody got advice on how i can get into the music industry or acting? i can sing pretty well, i am a great flute player and i can play piano... help!






  1. OMG! I feel the exact same way! However, I am a year younger! I want to be an actress as well, but I know some ways you can get in. My parents wouldn't let me in a gazillions year but....

    Okay FIRST AND FOREMOST! You have to get you parents to agree, then you get an agent. A site that is very helpful is... when you fill out a simple web page - they will call you up in about a week or two... Then you will be set up with an agent that will help you! However, they are usually picky on people without expeirience. It will also cost a little money in the beginning. Hope I can help! :]

  2. you too are both too young.  unless you have fairly rich parents willing to help you alot, you should wait till your at least 18.  this is for acting btw.  At that point you should get an agent and go to a bunch of auditions in hollywood or in new york.  there are other cities, but those two are the best.

    as for music, make recordings of songs you write, maybe invest a little and have your parents take you to a studio to geta professional job done.  you really need to write your own songs.  At that point, you can start looking for gigs, that is to say shows to play around your area.  once you gain some local popularity, you usually go on tour, which is easiest to do if yorue in a band.  then you send your demo and resume as a press kit to record labels who decide if they want you or not.

    both of these are very cutthroat industries, i've been a pro musician for almost 3 years, and i've just gotten the attention of some major record labels, and I'm lucky.  Some of my friends have been out there for over 20 years and have never gotten popular.  P.S, I finished high school, which was a great decision on my part, i think.  i also plan on going to college while still being wiht my band.  It might be harder, but I want something to fall back on.

  3. you can either look up auditions at and look up your area, etc.

    or you can attend an art high school ex: LaGuardia in NY,

    well i dont really know anything outside of NY, sorry [ lol ]

    but those are my suggestions.

    and 'i dont think' is not enuf,

    you never know,

    your parents might supprt you.

    talk to them

  4. i think you can join in some groups and show your ability
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