
Im really worrried about this girl?

by  |  earlier

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she is always calling herself fat, and why she is not skinny she is not obease like she claims. shes trys everything nd anything to lose weight but nuthing works for her. she has tried throwing up, over excerising and undereating, to not eating. and apparently has even cut herself a few times. im really worried about her. in 6th grade ppl made fun of her for her weight so she is even more self-concious about it. this girl is my BEST FRIEND!! nd i always talk to her but im worried about her. i really need advice! thx a lot!




  1. Im sorry that your friend is going through this. But, please encourage her to stop cutting and making herself sick because it will do more harm than good. And undereating isnt good either, because when she eats, her body will absorb the fats more than the good things. Why not go on a healthy kick with her? You both can eat healthy foods, and go to the gym together, take morning jogs, ect.

    i hope everything works out (:

  2. It's really tough when those we care about are hurting, and it sometimes feels like you're in a helpless position. I think the best thing for you to do is just talk to her about it. When she opens up to you tell her how mean the other kids were and how most of them were exaggerating. She needs to feel confident in herself in order to stop cutting and dealing with slight annorexia. She is very, very, VERY self concious right now and I think she just needs your help. Try to advise her to go on a healthier diet (full of fruit and veggies) that will help her to stay healthy, and exercise at least 30 minutes a day to have a healthy look too. When you suggest exercising she may interpret it as "You're a bit on the chubby size" and this will hurt her even more. Be sure to tell her that lots of people want to stay healthy so they exercise (I know people who do).

          Encourage her to stay away from the unhealthy junk food and start getting into the good-for-you stuff. If she needs help figuring out how to maintain a healthy diet she should look toward the foor pyramid. Here's the link:

          She won't start feeling confident in herself until she sees improvement in her body so just keep encouraging her, and maybe you could take on a healthy lifestyle to help her! I'm sure she'd love a buddy to go through the process with her. I hope it all works out well for both of you! :) Good luck.

  3. my best friend has gone thro' that stage of saying she is fat.. when she is not... tell her to eat every 3 hours a fast metabolism burns more fat more then a slow one... proof me and my friend... i've been doing that and i losT 6 pounds... just ytell her to eat stuff like fruits and vegies... and to try to stay away from greasy foods. (i love french fries only one day i ate like probably a pound off french fries :))  ooo and my friend soo far lost 5 pounds and were not on a diet either! but i do have a question wat does cutting yourself have to do w/ losing weight???

  4. She needs to get on a diet and a healthy workout routine. Physical Fitness is not rocket science. This will work for her if she gives it time.

  5. since ur her best friend and u know she needs help go 2 group descuions ar anomous group help with her so she wont feel alone.

  6. she needs professional help. he has a cutting problem and an eating disorder. you should try talking to her about it and see how she reacts first. be nice and don't even mention that you has something, because she will get mad and deny it. Be very careful at how you approach the conversion. this is a very sensitive subject;

  7. accentuate her positives, and help her with a positive body image of herself by being a good friend :)

  8. if it is that her family or pple around her says things or tell her things she will have a desperate sence to do anything to loss the weight..most time we don't really listen to wat "people" say but wat "family" hurts the most

  9. What you can do is just honestly be the best friend you can to her. Be a shoulder to cry on and support her whenever she feels down. If she's happy around you and is around you alot, then that means she's happy alot. I've gone through similar things and I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for my friends.

  10. Encourage her.  If she has other friends let them know of the situation and to do the same.   An example...Ask her what she did to get her hair to look so good, or clothes purchase etc....things that build her up rather than tear her down.  You can tell her she's beautiful till the cows come home, and she may think your doing it to cheer her up.  Is not asking for someone's opinion not  flattering to the person being asked?  Hope this helps.

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