
Im scared of my budgie ?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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how do i make myself and my budgie not affrade of each other because i want to hold her and everything so plz help me thank-you !




  1. it takes a long time to build trust, more so if yours wasn't hand fed. Get her wings clipped, give her the opportunity to come out of the cage each day, cages with play areas and feeding stations on top are great, it build confidence and security for the bird and enables the owner to make more contact. Careful with new toys and surroundings, birds get frightened easily by new things and you pretty much have to just "lean" into new things with them. Don't get will take time.

  2. First you need to buy a clicker (you know-the little thing that makes clicking sound when you press it) or you can use a pen.Open your budgie's cage and slowly put your hand in the cage.Wait until he calms down a bit then click with pen or the clicker and leave him alone for 10 minutes.When 10 minutes pass,do the same thing except that this time you should move your hand a bit further towards him.Every time you repeat it,go further.That should calm him down.

    Now,when you want him to step up,put your finger in front of his legs with a little push and say "up".Repeat that until he learns it.

    You can use clicker for more things than just getting him used to your presence.For example,if you've seen him do something funny and want him to repeat it.Every time he does it,click and give him his favourite treat.The thing is,you need to be quick.

    Hope this helps!Good luck!

  3. You just have to give time for your bird to just you.  Try to spend at least 5-10 minutes with it each day untl she realizes that your harmless.

  4. i agree with all 3 above me..

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