
Im scared of smoking pt

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ha yep i never smoked it and my boyfriend used to but now he doesnt he quit on his own cause i dont really know what i think about it ive just always stayed away from it i just thought that was the smart thing to do he quit cause he thought that id like him more if he didnt but i just dont care really i dont know if i care because i dont know the downfalls of smoking pot other than while your high you can be stupid well tonight his parents are away and he has one of his pot head friends over he didnt say he ws planning on smoking pot but what if he does what should i do is it a big deal i dont now what are your opinon what would i say to him what are the down falls of it are you for it or against it and why




  1. I was a big pothead for years especially during high school. I started using it so much that it led to other things. Since your always hungry I didn't want to get fat so I took pills that had Clarascene (spelling?) which is another form of meth. I got super skinny like sickly skinny. Then I just started doing it for the high. But once I started popping pills I didn't even feel the effects of the pot anymore. But I wanted too. I missed the cool high feeling. Once I was busted and moved away from all the idiot pothead friends I had, I quit. I met my fiance and 6 months later one of his friends was smoking pot around me and I couldn't resist the smell. That was the last time ever with pot, cuz my fiance is against it. But on New Years we tried shrooms and my fiance was trippin' out so much he didn't care where his p***s went and couldn't control himself. Now I'm over 8 months pregnant from that glorious night. So what I'm saying is that for alot of people it could lead to other worse drugs like me and others it doesn't. But let me tell you, I ran into a couple of my old friends at Wal-Mart and they can hardly finish a freakin' sentence they are so dumb. And two of them started shooting up meth. Terrible. Plus, the bad thing is pot makes you fat cuz you eat alot and it makes you break out really bad. Don't start.

  2. well yeah theres the goofiness when your high, along with loss of coodination (while high), and yes there might be small other problems associated. then theres been studies done that say that one of the chemicals in pot halts the growth of cancer. beside being illegal smoking pot might actually be healthier for you than drinking. drinking will eat out your liver or if you drink too much too fast you could die from alchohol poisoning. but there are no recorded cases of someone dieing from smoking too much pot.  and no pot does not neccisarily(sorry for spelling) make you fat i knew alot of skinny potheads.

  3. It's no big deal.  I was all against ANY "drug" in high school but after graduation I took a chance and smoked pot.  I enjoyed it and I still partake every once in a while.  Pot doesn't make you lazy and a bum and it certainly isn't addicting.  I maintained a 3.8 GPA throughout college with the occasional bong hit  ^_^   I say do it, you will have the experience and once you do it, you can make an educated decision towards it.

  4. Alright.  i started smoking pot in the tenth grade and the only thing going through my head at the time was, "I just wanna see what all the commotion is about."  Turned out I liked it.  ALOT.  And i didn't quit until near the end of my sophomore year in college.  The reason I quit is for health reasons. Turns out I have bad lungs.  

    I want you to understand that I am not condoning that you smoke pot.  I am telling you that there is nothing you should be afraid of.  The stuff that your boyfriend's friend smokes probably isn't even as potent a hallucinogenic as the "good stuff"  If you don't want to smoke it, then don't smoke it.  If you do, that's your choice.  But it's not like it's ecstasy or heroin...something that can kill you the very first time you use it.  

    If your boyfriend says he quit, then he quit.  It's not that hard to quit pot.  The addictive characteristics of it is the feeling you get, not what's in it.  I quit, and i haven't smoked in a year and a half.  It's not going to kill you and it certainly doesn't make you shoot your friends by accident.  that's just over exxagerated propoganda to get kids not to smoke it in the first place.  

    It's not a big deal.  email me if you have more questions.  

  5. DO NOT SMOKE WEED PLEASE HONESTLY!! listen to me, it messed my brother up totally, one puff can get you addicted and obsessed with it. my brother wouldnt come home till two, he used to be an A student and now is failing and changed into a mean person. it is a big deal and a major decision, do not do it! please, take my advice, you'll feel like a strong person if you can turn it down. show your strength! unless your too weak and give in like millions of other people.... we'll let you figure it out..;...

  6. Be smarter than that.  It kills brain cells.  Watch a couple of episodes of Taxi...look at Jim Ignatowski...

  7. Why the h**l smoke pot!! Why kill your lungs your body..... be against it!

  8. i used to be a big pothead so i kno a lot. ok try it once EVERYBODY DOES bt dnt do it exxcessivley cuz theres no life in it. u have no money ur retarded and ur always hungry. u always have a choice do what u feel is right to u

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