
Im so confused!!!? Nursery water..fluoride?!?

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Ok so I am really worried now!! I only mix my babies formula with nursery water bc my grandma bought a jug of it when I came home from the hospital with her!! On the nursery water website I found this comment 'According to the ADA, infant formula can be mixed with water that is fluoride free or contains low levels of fluoride. Babies less than one year old need less fluoride than everyone else because they are so small" Shouldnt this mean that its just safer to not give your baby fluoride!! Im confused is there more fluoride in your tap water?! Help!!! Ahhhh!!!




  1. Your baby is not going to die from it. Just use fluoride free water in the future. Most tap water contains fluoride. The local water company should be able to provide you with information about how much the tap water contains.  

  2. Listen, tap water is extremely safe and contains a safe and beneficial amount of fluoride.  There is no reason to use special water.  Use tap water!  Talk to your doctor if you are really concerned.

  3. how about ask a doctor what is best?

  4. There is some fluoride naturally in tap water, but not enough to cause major damage. Why are you worried if you only use nursery water? It does seem like it would be better to avoid it than lower consumption, but maybe that's just a warning for people who would otherwise only use tap water, trying to promote nursery water?

  5. Fluoride in the proper amount is beneficial to a child’s dental health, but too much can be harmful. The majority of children will get enough fluoride by drinking fluoridated water or taking supplements, and by using toothpaste. If a child receives too much fluoride before the age of 8, they may develop enamel fluorosis, a condition marked by the discoloration of their permanent teeth. It can be treated cosmetically, but it is best to prevent it. Most cases of the condition result from children who take fluoride supplements even thought they get enough fluoride in their water and in their toothpaste. A more serious condition is fluoride toxicity, which can happen if a child ingests a large amount of fluoride in a short time. Several hundred children end up in the emergency room each year due to the condition, most are under the age of 6. Children who have fluoride toxicity may have the following symptoms:

        * Nausea

        * Diarrhea

        * Vomiting

        * Stomach pain

        * Increased salivation

        * Thirst

    The symptoms will begin about 30 minutes after ingest too much of a fluoridated product and can last for 24 hours. Call 911 or the poison control center immediately if you think your child ingested too much fluoride. Reduce the risk of your child ingesting too much fluoride by keeping all fluoride containing toothpaste, mouthwash, rinses, and supplements out of the reach of young children. Supervise young children as they brush their teeth to be sure that they do not swallow too much toothpaste.  

  6. Do some research on fluoride, Then decide wether or not you want to give your child it. Personally i think it is disgusting that such a chemical can be used in nursery water and children's toothpaste, Fortunately i live in a area with no fluoride added to our tap water, although there is a natural trace. I buy our family fluoride free toothpaste too. Alot of people will say that fluoride is nesecasy, but if you do you research, you will begin to release its not.

    Have a read of that :)

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