
Im terrified of living!?

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I cant so anything risky or something that will get me in trouble. I try but I can't do it! I can't talk to people or ask them questions! What do I do!?!?




  1. well, i don't do anything risky, either. and i don't do anything that will get me in trouble. what is wrong with that? you will live longer that way. you wont be a statistic- another dead kid caught doing something stupid.

  2. When you claim you "can't do anything risky or something that will get you in trouble" it sounds like you have 'Peer Pressure' to perform such things? Like your friends pushing you to do something that might not be quite legal? The choice is yours ... BUT by saying you "try but can't do it" sounds like you have a good conscience and thats great! You say you can't talk to people but here you are writing to people and getting answers that might help! Its a simple step further to begin asking questions...start with friends and know that they enjoy feeling clever by answering you. Soon you will be asking about everthing!! Have a Grrreat Day!

  3. The fact that you can't do anything risky or something that will get you in trouble is actually a good thing. Why would you want to get hurt or hurt someone else? Don't try, I mean, it is proven that the most happy and successful people in the world are those who yes, take chances, but not necessarily put their safety at risk. I'm not sure of what you mean with "risky"... If its something like parachuting or scubba diving, then I guess you'll just find the confidence to do these things some day. But if you mean "risky" as in consuming a lot of drugs or getting extremely wasted, then I really go back to my point: don't even try, you know? Stay healthy and just go with the flow. I know it sounds cliche, but really, just do what you feel its right for YOU.

    On the other hand, about the talking to people or asking questions, well, that comes naturally as you grow. Maybe you feel discouraged or don't seem to have a good self-esteem. I used to be like that a couple of years ago. Like, literally, I got so scared of asking something to anyone, because I thought I was always wrong or that my question was stupid. And the talking, well, I still sometimes feel insecure on the matter.. But like I said, its a thing that comes with age. Just practice. Go slowly, like start talking to your friends, and then try to make new ones.

    Don't worry, this sounds like a very familiar phase... It will pass, just trust in yourself, k?  

  4. Risk and trouble is not living, it is seeking death.  Obviously you love your life enough to act like you have some sense.  You can always ask questions online. Not everyone is a talker, you may be a writer.

  5. I think you may have social anxiety.  i would see a therapist, because you can get treatment, and then you will feel free to live your life again :)

    Good luck!  

  6. don't do anything risky or you might get killed just calm your mind and why do you want to do risky things

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