
Im upgradeing my tank help(easy bestanswer)

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ok i want to up grade my tank for my 2 mollies i have 1 male and 1 female im wanting to get more fish but want to have some good ideas on what type of fish to get what sized tank should i up grade to and what are some good fish should i get (the reason for up gradeing 1 i want more fish 2. my bettas mean to them so i put him in a breeding net and i want him in the tank the tank is to gallons)simple answer my questions i will repeat them

1.what sozed tank to up grade to

2.what fish make good tank mates

ur opion on my questions and if you dont mind tell me where i can get the sized tank you said with the setup and all for cheap but good




  1. I say you should buy a large tank and plant it nicely. Make it at least 20 gallons and put in some schist (big flat rocks) and a couple of bits of driftwood. Plant with some cryptocorynes, hyprophilas, cabomba etc. Put in some bottom feeders like Plecos, Ottos, Corydoras and some middle reigon and hrdy fish like Guppies, Gouramis, Platies, Dwarf Chichlids, Tetras etc. Should turn out quite nicely. Make sure you do some research on the fish you want to keep and don't just drop them in there and hope they live. And don't forget to cycle the tank, I'm sure you already knew that though.  

  2. I would go 20- 30 litre tank. You can get them from pet shops and they usually come with filter and light. You can get additional small filters to add to improve living conditions. at the moment i have a 30l tank with a molly, platy, sword tail, guppies and a betta. They are all small fish and they seem to get along. The main thing is to have good filtartion. I also like to keep it well planted to keep the water very oxygenated....this means you can have more fish living healthier and longer lives. hope that helps. all of the fish i said are similar to mollys and are live bearers (apart from the betta) they all get along no problems at all.

  3. heres the thing, the bigger the tank is, the easier to maintain. yep, beleive it. i would get the biggest tank your wallet and space can afford. get a bigger filter rate for the tank size(ex. 30gallon, get a 60 gallon rated filter) then your set. with your kind of fish i would just fill the tank up with all mollies, probably a couple of guppies, and that would look good, but itsreally all about preference, good luck

  4. Try a 10 gallon.

    Its a good size for a few of those kinds of fish.

    Try adding a school of 3-5 neon tetras.

  5. try some guppies, and platys they are really beautiful and they stay small

    and try aiming for a 20 gallon tank, to find the best deal go to and type fish tank in the search bar

  6. look for a jebo round fourty litres come with a light and filter and community fish like bristlenose plecostomus and guppies and gouramis and tetras just simple fish lyk that careful not barbs or fish lyk that cause barbs and some tetras are really agro good luck

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