
Im watching Maury and he says....?

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there is a 80% risk of married couples under the age of 20 to have a divorce...I really want to get married to my boyfriend when i turn 18 because we are in love and when love comes you cant stop it so y wait i love him to death nd i have a future do u think 18 is to young to be married...P.S. whe we get married I will be 18 he will b 21 will that make any dffrence




  1. Maybe 80% of the guests on Maury get divorced. Although I'm guessing it's higher than that.

    M,ickateen is right. What you want at 18 is completely different than what you'll want at 40.

    Go for it if you feel but you BETTER grow up fast! marriage is not a party, it's work. It takes patience and dedication. You can't run at the first sign of trouble.

    SO take this opportunity NOW to get your c**p together, leave all the high school c**p behind you, get a job and go to school, work your freakin' butt off to get make a better future for the both of you. This will not be a party.  

  2. I would not run my life going by advise from Maury but I have to admit that the chances of marrying so young and having it be your one and only marriage is leaning really hard into fairy-tale land. It does happen, the whole high school sweetheart thing, but you are so young that you really owe it to yourself to live life a bit, to find out who you are and what you want in life before you marry this guy. He may be the best man out there, or he simply might just be the best you have met so far... Love is love and if this man is the right one for you then there is no reason to rush into it. I think a long engagement is in your best interest. The age difference is not too bad other than he can drink and you can not... hopefully he is not a boozer, if he is then the marriage is a bad idea.

  3. Rule of thumb- What you want at 40 is completely opposite of what you want at 20. Let that be your guide.  

  4. IF that is true (where did he get his numbers?) then you can be the 20% right???????

  5. Why are you making up your mind about YOUR relationship based off someone who knows nothing about you? So what, yeah the statistics arent exactly in your favor, but who cares? My husband and I got married at 19 and yeah it was HARD but were doing it and were soo happy. We are now 21, and dont regret it. If you want to get married, then do it. Dont let anyone else tell you how YOUR relationship will pan out

  6. personally, i feel thats still too young.  i had many great experiences between 18 and 25 that taught me many things, allowed me to mature and put me in a better position to know what i wanted in life.  

    my best argument against this is that you finally are, legally anyway, an adult.  you're parents have raised you, told you what to do and not do.  Now you want to get married and compromise on everything you do (and thats what marriage is).  why not enjoy a few years that are TOTALLY and ABSOLUTELY yours?

    Love, marriage and kids will always be there for you.  Then you might miss having your own time and it'll be too late.

  7. with the way people are mistreating marriages, anybody of age is at risk of divorce if they don't marry for the right reasons and if they are not fully ready. 18 is pretty young. no matter how much you love him, i would still wait at least 2 more years, its not like the world will end if you don't marry him right away. and that's the thing, people rush into it instead of taking their time.

    and you can't believe everything you hear and see on shows like that, i don't watch it anymore because its all nonsense, its the same stupid thing everyday. and what person in their right mind would volunteer to go in front of national tv and expose their nasty secrets to the world? in my opinion they are paid to make that stuff up.

  8. Yes.. and Maury also does specials on primordial dwarfs, hookers, and wayward baby daddies.

    I wouldnt take advice from Maury on how to tie my shoes.

  9. Oh Ya that makes a big difference, you should be safe with that.  NOT!!

  10. First off, do not consider marriage until you are at least 23.

    Secondly, don't marry a dork named Archie.

  11. Most young people lack the maturity to make it work (it requires maturity out of BOTH spouses, not just one).  The simple fact is that selfishness runs rampent into today's youth and a belief that society gives a c**p.  It takes college + some job experience for these young adults to learn a lesson that our children once learned long ago:  If you want love, you have to give love.  If you want respect, you have to give respect.  If you want someone to meet your needs, than you need to be able to meet their needs.  It's that d**n golden rule "Do to others what you would have them do to you" and apply it to a relationship.

    Than young people run into the fact that between 18 - 24 people will mature at different rates and that means they will want different things out of life.  After that you run into financial concerns..young people lack it and MONEY issues ruin divorce.  All in all it isn't a good decision, the deck is stacked against you.

  12. how about get a job instead of watching Maury

  13. Either way there is scientific studies the show the brain is fully mature and ready to make adult decisions around the age of 21 (hence the drinking age) and if you two ARE in love then that love will not be going anywhere. My husband and I married on my 18th birthday...we separated a year and a half later (we already had a 1 year old) and we were so madly in love and had been for around 2 years when we married. Sometimes marriage and life creeps up and you don't realize it. Sometimes time is the best thing you have to learn about each other inside and out. My husband and I were only separated 1 month but it took another year or so for me to forgive him for leaving. My husband and I still love each other very much but isn't all it is about. I know...I know...being young that doesn't make sense (it didn't to me) but it will.

  14. What you want out of life and who you are in your 20's is completely different than in your mid to late 30's.  You change dramatically.

    I agree with him.

  15. I know a couple who married at 18, and they are still going strong after 25 years. I know a lot of people who marry in their late 20's-30's and get a divorce.

    I guess marrying after a certain age doesn't guarantee a happily ever after. But, I do have a suggestion though, get everything you can off your chest before you marry. Do some travelling, go to college (without the stress of babies and a house to take care of). Do your share of partying, whatever you need to do, because giving up a lot of things later on usually comes to bite the spouse in the *** with the famous arguments "I gave up my life for you" or "I could've gotten a career, except I married you". ive your life to the fullest so you can embrace married life to the fullest as well without wondering "what could have been"...

    Good luck.

  16. I met my hubby when I was 18 and got married at almost 21 years old. I can't say that 18 is too young to get married. Some 18 year olds are more mature than a 30 year old. I think you should weigh all your options. The divorce rate is like 60% from what I heard. I would advice you to get all the education you want before getting married. Marriage is hard. It takes two people to make a marriage. Actually it takes 3. You, your bf, and God. Good luck!

  17. I think if you guys are still in love when your 18 GO FOR IT!! Why take advice from Maury if YOUR THE ONE THAT'S IN LOVE!

  18. why? why does everyone want to get married so frigging young? I've been with my boyfriend for 6 years and i can't imaging us getting married for another 7 (and yes both of us agree that there is a d**n good chance we will get married but who knows, that could change)

    I'm 21 and he's 23

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