
Im wondering will god...?

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Will god only let some of the christian denominations into heaven or all of them? Im 13 and I want my 17 year old brother to go to heaven but he is mormon...he is going to h**l right? Will god let all christians in heaven or only the correct ones like the one im in....




  1. If he follows in the way of the lord then yes. It doesnt matter the denomonation. it matters what is in his heart

  2. It doesnt matter what denomination you are in that is not what get you to heaven Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thy shalt be saved.Except Jesus as you lord and saviour ask for forgiveness believe that He died for your sins and rose again .

  3. Funny.  Mormons are Christians for the record.  

    Either all denomonations are wrong (because they teach conflicting truths) or one is right and the rest are wrong.  

    ....How is it that you know that you're in the one and only correct denomination on the face of the earth???

  4. Trolls always lighten up my day, without fail. c:

  5. listen to BLuE sounds like he/she is on the right track.

  6. In heaven there are no denominations.... by faith we are saved.

    Anybody who believes in Jesus Christ and has repented off their sins and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ and is filled with the Holy spirit, will surely will surely sit on the right hand of GOD (n heaven)...

    that's all i gotta say on this one...COZ IT is WRITTEN IN THE relax .....

  7. god won't let anyone in heaven

  8. I'm not a theologist.  BUT if there is a god and he is benevolent and cares about all of us, then what denomination does it matter?  Apparently, god loves all.  I would not stress about such issues.  Lead a good life, lead a happy and productive life and you may reap benefits in the future.  

    The question is rather futile from our point of view, isn't it.

  9. Yes I'm sure you'll get the red carpet treatment.  Your own personally en-scribed crown and a free 12 month subscription to Heavenly magazine.

  10. if he is living good and morally he will be fine

  11. In order to get into Heaven, one must be "saved". To be saved, one needs to accept Jesus into their hearts as saviour, and love God, the Father with every inch of their being. As long as you both do that, you're both gonna be in Heaven!

  12. Why not let God decide such things. MAN has no business, no right and no God-given authority to decide who goes to heaven or h**l. If anyone tries to tell you that so and so is going to h**l, it's because they are insecure with their own faith, and can't feel good unless they have damned all who don't believe as they do.

  13. It makes you wonder who process all the applications to heaven for him.  

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