
Important historical event essay?

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So the first day of school, i get an essay.

Due Monday! Uhhhg anyway;

The Question is:

What is the most significant event in America/World History to date?

Give at least 3 reasons why and explain.

It has to be 5 Paragraphs.

Andddd I need help with my Thesis Statement.

By the way, you don't have to like 'give me answers', but your opinion on the most significant event. and some web sites to back it up.

Thank you!




  1. Since you said American AND world events, it would have to be the Cuban missile crisis 1962. U.S. spy planes got pictures of Soviet (Russia) missiles placed in Cuba, just miles from the Florida coast.

    The Russians sent ships with nuclear warheads headed to Cuba to arm the missiles. At the time, the U.S. and Russia were in a "cold war". Meaning they did not like one another, refused to speak to each other, and both were in an arms race, building more conventional and nuclear weapons. Both sides also were operating under M.A.D.  (mutual assured destruction). Meaning if you launch nukes on us, we will immediately launch ours (use them or lose them) and both countries will be nuked.  

    President Kennedy put the military on worldwide alert.He set up a blockade, and would not let Russian ships go to Cuba. When a Russian ship tried to run the blockade, the U.S. intercepted and boarded it, checking for warheads.

    Everyone, in the U.S., and around the world were absolutely certain an all out thermo nuclear war was inevitable. People stood around all day glued to the T.V. There were fallout shelters, cities across America conducted air raid drills, turned out all the lights (so Russian bombers couldn't see them in the dark) children were taught to "duck and cover" when the Russians dropped the bomb. Even parents and adults were terrified.

    There were U.S. troops and anti missile, anti aircraft missiles placed on the shores of Florida. At the last second, the Russians backed off, turned around, and agreed to remove the missiles. To this day it was the closed the world has come to nuclear war. We were within an eyelash of attacking each other.  Americans were in fear because Russian leader Khrushchev had come on TV and pounded his shoe on a desk shouting "WE WILL BURY YOU"

  2. WWII

    WWII created two superpowers -- the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. That began a "Cold War" that lasted decades.

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