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How d I learn how to speak back to people when they are rude to me as I embarrassed myself in front of my work

colleagues when I was shouted at by a customer?I always look to intially get on with people but sometimes people want to start argumwents with me, how do I elarn to stand up for myself more?




  1. The people who make fun of you must have some sort of flaw...right? Well, find it! Then, bother them about it, that way they'll realize being made fun of isn't fun. Also, try reading some insult books or watching TV shows such as Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air because Will's constant insulting to his uncle and cousin are quite interesting. You may be able to find help through these things. I hope my words have come in handy.

  2. You can not speak back rudely to customers, as it may get you fired. However, you cannot just be a doormat for other people's rude comments. If it's an issue they have with service, then you may say (calmly), "I'm sorry sir/madam for your inconvenience. (your company) will try it's best to resolve this issue." Saying this calmly is the key, because it makes the other person look foolish, obnoxious, and demanding for yelling their orders at you. If it is a direct insult to you (saying something about your appear or demeanor) say, "I'm sorry, but since you don't appear to be happy with the service I have provided you, I could direct you to another one of our employees."

    Always act with class and think through whatever you are about to say. You will always appear the better person.

  3. No matter what kind of job you are in, the customer should be treated as if they are always right. You should always try to be as calm and helpful as possible because it will help calm them down. If you still have problems, direct them to someone higher that could better deal with the issue. Being defensive and retaliative is probably a good and easy way to make enemies and I wouldn't think it advisable.

  4. Well, if you are in customer service, it is all just part of the job and will most likely happen all the time there.  If you are not in customer service and people are just being rude for no reason, you just need to stand your ground.

  5. just tell them.... F OFF! simple :)

  6. You have to learn to get over the anxiety of confrontation.  Basically you'll have to force your self to stand up to these people.  It may be uncomfortable at first, but as you get used to it you'll get more comfortable with it.

  7. If someone becomes rude with you and is out of line, simply say, "This conversation is over," and don't speak to them until they calm down.  On a side note, perhaps try a different job if it bothers you so much.  Maybe your job is not the right one for your specific skills.

  8. Don't try so hard, I don't know about you but when people talk trash to me I just laugh inside a little because its silly how mad people get over the silliest things!

  9. if some one is rude to you report them or tell them to take a hike

  10. Most people who are rude have a lot of issues they are dealing with.Some are just plain rude no matter what you say or do.

    Try speaking to them in a kindly manner, Try'' To put on a good smile, be nice it is very hard for some one to be rude with you when you over whelm them with kindness, Also try prayer, it always works. "Good luck"

  11. It's just a job think money not stress, forget what they say and let it roll out your ears.

  12. well, as of standing up for yourself....just straight up tell people you dont like it or tell them something like you mean it. dont be scared to express how you feel about situations like this, cuz then people could start to take advantage of you. but yeah dont be afraid

  13. Um.......a little difficult to understand.  

    Arguments only work if more than one person is involved.  Walk away and end it.

    Problem solved.

  14. The important thing is to stay calm yourself.  If you lose it then you lower yourself the the level of the person shouting at you. Not cool!

    The best thing is to be assertive and not to take the situation personally.  it's the organisation you work for that they're shouting at, not you in all probablility.  See if you can go on an assertive skills class, that teaches you how to do it.

    Bottom line is, don't say opinions, just facts. Don't use emotive words. Don't shout. Wait for them to blow off steam and then talk.  If they don't stop, just tell them you can't deal with them until they have calmed down, and call a supervisor or a work colleague. Asking for help isn't soft or embarrassing, unless you've been specifically trained to deal with people like this you can't be expected to deal with it.  Also if there are two of you, the person shouting is a bit more likely to calm down if there's a crowd forming.

    Finally, on a more personal note, do people pick arguments with you more than others? If so, ask yourself why. It may be that you unwittingly use language that provokes them. Privately ask someone you work with who never gets into an argument, they may be able to help you.  We should all think about how what we say affects other people when dealing with the public.

  15. ignore him
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