
Improving fitness for running?

by  |  earlier

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i run every once ina while, but i do notice that i get tired really easily. im a fast runner at short distance, but would like to extend how far i go. running longer, not get tired as quick.....theres the goal......advice plz




  1. Just start by running a relative time and stay there for about a week. Then try to go for an additional 5 minutes per run the second week. Continue to increase each week unless you feel in better shape.

  2. only way to get better at running is to run! :) Take its easy, don't push to hard, better to go slow and avoid injury. ALOT of ppl have had success doing a 5k program. the program is outlined here:

    the 5k is probably the most popular run its 3.1 miles. but that program starts you out doing a jog/walk interval type training. its good stuff. check out the c25k link down there too. it had links to podcasts that u can listen to while u do the prog.

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