
In Italy....?

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I am going to Italy tomorrow, with my mum and dad. I am 16, and we are using big travel rucksacks instead of suitcases due to travelling about. First we are flying from England to Pisa, where we are going to go to the leaning tower, and staying at our hotel, next day we will be getting on the train and going to Rome, where we will go to the vatican city, coloseum, and go on some bus tours, we will be in Rome for 3days, after Rome we will be going on train to Pompei where we are going to go to see the ruins, we will be there for one day (i think) the next morning we will be travelling on train to Vada, the last stop we are going to make to relax on the beaches, and in the pools and stuff, for 3days.

Is there any food in particular I cant go to Italy WITHOUT trying? because of corse we will be going to restaurants every night.

Whats the weather like at the moment in Italy and when the forecast says it will be hot.. WILL IT? i NEED a tan thankyou!! Continuing on the edited bit...




  1. i'm italian for information contact adress msn

  2. Hi, I'm italian! I live in Rome.

    Food: you must taste pasta all'amatriciana, bresaola, mozzarella di bufala, pizza (very very different from h**l's Pizza!!), melanzane alla parmigiana.

    Absolutely the ice cream, the most famous in the world. If you go to visit Saint Peter, ask for Risorgimento Place... you find the Old Bridge ice cream shop, one of best ice cream in the universe! there's always a queue...

    Weather: it's hot! today in Rome there're 32°C.

    Some words:

    "How much is it?" - "Quanto costa?" ("A" pronunciation is always as ARM)

    "Right" - "Destra"    "Left"- "Sinistra"

    "Where'is...?" - "Dove è...? ("E'" is like Evil).

    "to go" - "andare"

    "Please" - "Per favore".

    "Water" - "Acqua"

    We always appreciate smiles!! Welcome ! Kia ora!

  3. Hy i'm from italy answers. 1° plee sory me for my english

    if the train will be late don't worry in italy is normal.

    and for the vatican you will have to prenote or you will have to do stay in a long waiting list.

    in italy usualy the weder is not sad so dont worry.

    for the food ask " spaghetti alla carbonara","Tortellini","Pizza" and "Mozzarella"

    You cant lose italyan Ice cream it is the best of the globe.

  4. Tours in Italy live to Maranello end Ferrari factory visit to bay Maranelviaggi?
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