
In england..?

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do they have like southern people and northern people...

or that just an american thing?




  1. We do have a Northern / Southern divide, but not along the same lines. For example, UK Southerners are not seen as thick idiot Bible bashers, but rather as posh compared to our northern counterparts.

    There is also a bit of a divide between South East (which contains London, and where people can be viewed as being very "citified" and a bit posh, whereas those from the South East are more likely to be viewed as country bumpkins, with accents commonly associated with farmers.

    I also know that other countries, such as Germany, have north / south differences and stereotypes.

  2. Depends where you live in England to your accent and to how you speak.  The area Iive in (South East) I have a good accent, but it is not the local accent despite being born and lived most of my life here.  For me people from Newcastle I find very hard to understand because of their accent and likewise they probably find people from the south to understand.  There are of course people around England who speak upper class and many speak common, but there are people in beween, everyone has accents and speaks differently, that makes England unique

  3. Too right we have. Very different accents & general way of life. Northerns tend to be more easy going & friendlier in general, but sometimes difficult to understand accent. Southerns take a bit more time to get to know, & may seem rude at first, as not so "open"

    I am a southerner, and proud of it.
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