
In love with my best friend?

by  |  earlier

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We're best friends and she knows basically everything about me. When I admitted to her that I was starting to think about girls, she told me she was too. Knowing this, she still continues to grab my hand, and we cuddle...we kind of just gravitate towards each other. She still talks about boys that she likes, though. We're in high school. I totally like her but I can't tell if she likes me or just wants to be friends.




  1. She likes you :) Just take it slow... as hard as that might be. Aww... it's soo cute!


    Go for it and have fun =D

  3. take it slowly and see how it goes...who knows? maybe she likes you optimistic!

  4. thats really sweet and kind of hot. im a 15yo boy in high skool and i wish i had a friend like that.

  5. Whoa! Honestly, that's exactly how my life use to be.

    I fell for my best friend who was a christian and had a very

    relious background, but i still loved her. she didn't know I was

    g*y, but i started flirting with her anyways. and to my surpirse

    she flirted back. and as time flew by we got more emotionally

    attatched and so forth. The question as to whether or not I should really make a move and say something was driving me INSANE.but one day she slept over at my house and in the morning she was lying on my bed half alseep, and i just kissed her. she told me she fell inlove with me depsite her religion, and we went out for 11 months.and to this day ( 2 years later) we're still best friends.. and we still flirt and confess our love to eachother even though she talks about boys too. so, trust me i know how you feel and you def. are not alone. I hope

    things work out for you too. Best of luck (L)

  6. ohhhh thats bewtiful! Dont question it mate,it may be a comfort zone for both of you,just enjoy the closeness x*x

  7. I personally feel as though you are headed down the wrong path. In my humble opinion, you have made a mistake in choosing to seek after the same s*x. We all make choices in life that will affect us for the rest of our lives. and choosing to seek after the same s*x is not something that God has intended anyone to do.

    No one person was Born Homosexual. It IS a decision which is made to live that type of life style. One should not give in to the evil of Homosexuality, it destroys the sanctity of the Family, and Marriage.

    I suggest you leave your friend alone and do some deep thinking as to what you really are looking for in this life, before you go out looking for a same s*x relationship. And take the time to humbly pray, with real intent, and ask God if same s*x relationship is what he wants for you.

    You wouldn't marry a panther would you? "The Jungle Book - Walt Disney movie".

  8. aww thats so cute, well your lucky and just keep things slow dont rush them

  9. if she is telling you who she likes,,

    but she still cuddles with you and stuff,

    there is a possibility that she is trying to make you jealous,,

    so that youll make that first move towards starting the relationship.

    and if you like her,,

    i think you should tell her,,

    she may be waiting for you to tell her that you like herr,,

    or you could drop suddle hintss,,

    whatever workss bestt for youu.

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