
In need of some advice?

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After 8 months of dating, my ex and I ended it (him being the one who broke it off, in April). He claims it was never because of another girl even though, I know he was talking to another girl while we were dating about 2 weeks or so before. Anyways, our relationship was great to this point, yeah a few bumps in the road but he ended up being my best friend. He always used to say I was the greatest girlfriend he ever had and that he never wanted to lose me. Now the confusing part. Some of his friends have been telling him I am a bad person (over the summer) but they don't even know me, however he takes their side. He says that I am nice to his face but mean behind his back. (Even though I never talk to him anymore) (I found all this out from one of my best friends he was talking to on IM by the way) During a normal school day, he will stare at me. I mean blanky starring at me like he wants me to say something, but it is really awkward. I have asked my friend Alex, (she is friends with him too) about all of this, and she said that he is the one who acts nice to my face but mean behind my back and that he claims on his life he is over me. Sorry if this is really long, but why if after 5 months, he still acts like we just broke up and keeps saying these things about me? Is he really over me?

I really want to try and fix this, but I know if I try to talk to him he will end up twisting my words. Everyone just says ignore him and forget about him, but I just can't forget about the person who he was before he changed and there is just a bit of hope in me that he is still in there somewhere. :/ Thanks for reading.




  1. reguardless if hes over you or not, he is acting incredibly immature.  Just go up to him one of these days and ask him what the h**l his problem is.  Go with a friend, and just talk to him when hes alone.  Tell him how you feel about the situation and say that you never did anything wrong.  If you want to be freinds then try to make it work.  But with a guy that IMMATURE i wouldn't bother sweetheart.

  2. try explaining in an email or just move on or dont think about him..he sounds real immature

    answer mine please? ***10 points best answer!***;...

  3. The facts are plainly stated in your last sentences, he has changed, and he isn't worth working yourself into a sweat over.  Why would you want to be with someone who isn't as supportive of you as you are to him?  It doesn't make sense to me.  Take the energy you have wasted on him, and focus on something else, friends, a job, hobbies, and making new friends.

  4. sit him down and tell him everything; how you feel, maybe even show him what you've written here, tell him how much he means to you and that you're scared of losing him

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