
In regards to a previous question?

by Guest55569  |  earlier

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Lea recently asked a question about pool pet peeves and as part of my response, I commented on my views about professional (world-standardized) rules vs. "bar" rules. In particular, I focused on "call shot" vs. "call pocket" which I personally believe to be the same thing by the very definition of "call shot". I want to know your thoughts and feelings on this matter. Please discuss what in your mind should constitute a "legal shot", what exactly the penalty should be for fouls, etc. If you're going to defend "bar rules" (if such a thing can even exists) please explain to me why you think that's fair and why you wouldn't even consider world-standardized professional rules. M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.




  1. I was stuck in a "Bar Rules" tournament years ago. I say stuck because I already entered thinking they played legit tournament rules. Surprise. Sometimes luck is with you if you fine out early in the match about an illegal (bar room) shot.

    They wanted everything called, combo's, caroms, short rail, long rail... - you couldn't' even fuzz the cushion or point of the pocket on a bank shot unless it was called. I mean everything had to be called. And when making the '8' ball, it had to go clean - CLEAN.

    Being a long-time "League" player I felt gave me an advantage and it was. I used their own rules against my opponents and won the event. I have to admit I played 3-times as many safeties as I normally would, but it got the job done.

    They didn't let me back in for the next one. My 15-minutes, etc.

  2. Well, you'll get no argument from me.  If you are going to call every little detail, I guess you'd also have to predict whether you're going to shoot the ball straight in the back of the pocket or if it's going to rattle a little.  However, if I lived in Fantasyland, where I did have to call every aspect of the shot, I think my penalty for making the ball 'wrong' would just be to give up my turn.  Hmm...then we'd also probably have to make up a rule for if I left my opponent hooked... :)  Ball in hand for him?  Behind the head string, of course :)


  3. OK Ladies first

                                 ILL adress the bar rule part of the question. I think most bar players dont even know there own rules . half have never heard of ball in hand -bad hit-no rail after contact-or a table foul ,not to mention the BCA itsself.

    I have had more confusion over rules than any other thing else.Bar aka house rules change sometimes from bar to bar or room to room That is the very reason the BCA was 1948 to try to make 1 set of rules and they still wont go by them 59 years later,which makes as much sense as 1 ball park you get 4 strikes or 5 balls to walk every sport has standard rules why the H cant we

    after almost 60 years.Just like your4.2 call shot rule here  they say oh thats not the way I play. I tell them thats the way we play at my place Ive had them get PO and walk out Im an old long haired ****** trying to tell them how to play !! you just cant tell them I was also started in 1948  so I guess me and the BCA will keep trying to tell them

    Sometimes I feel like a ref. in a Peeing contest instead of a pool tourn. But it sure belongs on Lea's List  Thanks Straight

                                               Later Johnny

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