
In search of a small pet???

by  |  earlier

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I want to get a small pet in my household, we already have 2 birds and 3 dogs. so this small animal must be able to get along with them.

We've already had dwarf hamsters and a guinea pig, but their bedding needs is why we can't have them no longer...

Mom has already said no to the following types: All reptilians, amphibians, arachnids, and other insects

And the following type of these too: Rabbits, chinchillas, Ferrets, Rats/Mice, and Sugar Gliders.

The animal can't have any other bedding then newspaper, reason being mom is allergic to all the wood and other type of bedding, but newspaper.

I want a small furry little creature that i can play with and interact with, but when provided doesn't always need that much attention either, mom does not want one that will pee outside the cage, needs dusts baths, or its urine may reek, or it may reek every so easily.

I do not mind handling insects, seeing that i'll go outside and pick up worms, ants, daddy-long legs and etc. without it phasing me. If the animal you provide needs them.

Please if you suggest an animal please don't say they're 'cool' or something other than that. i want details on their pros and cons.

Remember people i need details to help me get an animal that my mom will approve of, which trust me isn't easy....i've been asking questions like this and other certain animals for the last 2 days, and i'm getting hardly any answers, please someone help me, i'd really like another small furry animal in this house.





  1. my answer is;

    Sounds like she has pretty much said no too everything. (maybe she feels there are enough pets in the house already

    I'd say Turtle or frog but reptilian/amphibian are out according to mom and Caterpillars are insects (but watching them turn too Butterflies would be educational and cool to see.

    So, it looks like another bird or a "Toy" sized dog is your only option. I'd say Cat but the birds you already have wouldn't like that.

    Good Luck!

    hope my answer helps ya!

  2. get a furbee  

  3. well dude that's WAY to specific your never going to find an animal like that

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