
In the future?

by  |  earlier

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all cars should be Hybrids.

it better for the environment and ppl will not go to the gas stations as much to get gas. so gas willl lower(maybe lol)

who else agrees with me?




  1. In the future cars should be powered by water and we should all drink gasoline.

    Just kidding. But seriously, I think hybrids would be nice, although they typically don't have the horsepower a gas powered car does. So, there might be a downside.

    But still, yay environment.

  2. In the future cars should run on non fossil fuels.

  3. Hybrid batteries are not a problem.  Regular car batteries are already almost 100% recycled, and the core charge on them is only $5.  Imagine a 200 pound battery with a $300 core charge, they'll ALL be  recycled.

    Hybrids are nice, but mostly-electric plug-in hybrids are nicer.

    I'm fine with gas going up, if my fuel economy goes up MORE.  Gimme a 100mpg plug-in hybrid where 90% of my miles are on plug-in electric, and I won't mind $10/gallon  gas.

  4. If we can agree that burning fossil fuel (or anything) is bad then why burn any amount of gasoline in a hybrid vehicle?

    If we used a three prong attack on energy we would all be better off.

    1) Mount solar voltaic panels on your property. Free electricity and will actually make your electric meter run backwards during the day.

    2) Install a Geothermal Heat Pump in your home/business. This takes the constant temperature from the Earth and can take either the heat in the winter or the coolness in the summer and make Heating/AC. all will need to run it is the electricity you have gotten from the solar panels.

    3) Get an electric vehicle to run errands and/or commute in. The only fuel you need for the vehicle is the same electricity from your solar panels.

    A bonus to this is that when the batteries for the EV are not giving you the range you want in the vehicle you can still use them for storage in your home/business and be completely off the grid.

  5. As it is now there charging by the mile not the gallon .The less we use the more there going to charge . The gas stations have bills to if no body stops then how would and why would they stay open  same goes for the gasoline producers . I think cold fusion is the next big break though . A man in California just got a patent on cold fusion he calls them nano detonators there small cartridges that take the place of spark plugs . I think we are about to see a new way of thinking . I don't believe its going to hurt the economy if anything its going to put America back to work . The applications of such a devise are mind boggling the wealth it would create for us all is just to great to see . The world will turn to us. I'm just glad i live in the USA

  6. in the future, there should be a new system of transportation other than just cars! cars have been around for about 100 years and not anybody could think of anything else? its sad to see what the Earth will eventually come to one day

  7. i agree and i hope more people will walk, bike and commute

  8. oooer fo defs i agree with you! go hybrids!

    and heard that you can use garbage to power your car but is that much better for the environment?? i dunno!

  9. int he future, we shall learn to fly and stop using cars

  10. no hybrids still use some fossil fuels and i want the government to finally make that flying car they promised we'd have by the year 2000... the tech is all ther no ones bothered to do it yet tho

  11. Well there are things you can do to help reduce the amount of harm you are causing the enviroment, you can do this by offsetting your carbon on websites such as; . On these sites you are able to prevent climate change by funding ethical reforestation projects. I personally found that was the best site for this because of their strong relationships with other non-profit organizations. After looking at other ways to help the enviroment i found that just simply offsetting your carbon is the best way to stay enviromentally friendly.

  12. In the future we should be able to live with mother nature without distroying it.The population of people should go down there is no reason for the amount of people on this planet and it cant support it for ever.Lets go for quality not quantity.

  13. what happens when your hybrid car gets old and you ahve to do something with all those batteries.  im not advocating we stay addicted to oil but i dont think hybrids are the answer either.   ill tell you what i think would work to lower carbon emissions get rid of the 10mpg humvess and other gas hog suvs littering the road these days.  the government also needs to pressure car companies to make more effiecent engines  not only will this lower emissions but our demand for foreign oil will drop drastically as well killing two birds with one big stone.   its just my opinion not fact
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