
In the harry potter series....?

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JK rowling announced that dumbledore is g*y... or rather 'was' g*y...... is it mentioned in any of the books?? if yes .. where??I've read all of 'em many times but didnt find any thing like that...




  1. It doesn't say anywhere in the books. No one saw it coming. If you listen to her interviews she reveals things the books don't tell you about the lives of characters before, during, and after the series. And for the record, she didn't make him g*y for the heck of it. She made him g*y so that he could fall in love with that one evil wizard he got the Hallow Wand thing from (Grindlewald?). And when he had to kill him, it meant him killing the one he loved, which attributed to the scarring effect it had. And no, I'm not making this up. I have the interview below in my sources.

  2. I think its not mentioned in any of the Harry Potter series of books.

    Thank You

  3. You haven't read the sevanth book carefully enough. Teddy is Lupin's and Tonks' son. Harry became the godfather because he said really harsh words to Lupin, but it made Lupin understand that nothing was more inmportant that his son and wife at the moment. Harry bacame godfaher because he made Lupin stick by his family,(Tonks and the new born baby.)

    If harry had not talked to him, Lupin would have abandoned Tonks and un-born teddy to go with Harry, Ron, and hermione to finsh the mission that dumbledore left them.

    Yes, J.K did admit to Dumbedore being g*y, but it does not bring this up in any of the books. when she said this, it aroused many arguments about whether Grindelwald was Dumbledore's friend, of whether they were acting like a couple. It is still unknown.

    So, yes to your first question, and no to the fact that it mentioned in the books. And Harry became godfather to lupins' and tonks' son teddy because he kept the family together.

    Hope i helped! :) :-) =) ^_^

  4. It was never once mentioned in thw whole series. It was just something jk decided to tell us but it wasnt revelant to the story so its not talked about. When reading the books i dont think we are ever meant to wonder about Dumbledore or anyones sexuality which is why it wasnt mentioned!

    Tedddy is Remus and Tonks's son = ]

  5. I don't think it is mentioned anywhere in the books. She told it while giving an interview.

    Teddy is Lupin's and Tonk's son. Harry is his godfather. In the last part of Deathly Hallows, James informs Harry and Ginny that Teddy is snogging Victoire, Bill and Fleur's daughter.

  6. It was never stated that Dumbledore was g*y in the HP series.  Many people will tell you there were signs, though; things like Dumbledore's love for knitting patterns, flamboyant clothing, etc.

    I really don't believe things like that can add up to Dumbledore being g*y (even though I don't care if he is g*y), but you can read some other 'signs' in this article:

    Either way, Dumbledore being g*y has no major effect on the series besides his relationship with Grindelwald.

  7. no its not mentioned in any of the books.JKR said he was while answering a question in an interview.when she was asked "do you think that dumbledore would ever have found true love?" she said "i always thought of dumbledore as g*y".

    teddy lupin is the son of remus lupin and nymphadora tonks..he was named after tonks's father teddy ..when lupin and tonks die in the war harry becomes the godfather of teddy

  8. wow i've never heard about that (or read about it...)

  9. It certainly is not mentioned in any of the books! Speculations, fuelled by some hints in interviews!

  10. Nope! She said it after all the books were published... She merely wanted to increase he fan-base! I really dont think it matters though. Ive never looked at Dumbledore as Having a sexuality...and Im not about to now that Ive finished reading the books...

    "Let nothing tarnish you memories of him" - Doge

  11. No, it is not mentioned in the books.  It's just a tidbit of background information she made but did no have a use for in the actual series. ^^

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