
In the heat of the moment...?

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Have you EVER called someone by the wrong name? And if so... what was their reaction?




  1. Not another girls name but a name she didn't like while in the heat of battle. When you say, How do you like that big _ _ _ _ you dirty

    little _ _ _ _ calling her Shelly just wouldn't work

  2. Yes, I called out my ex's name... things didn't go so well.  But my friend that was staying at my apartment that night, sleeping on the couch hear me too... started laughing.  Oops!

  3. I've actually had this happen to me twice.  Someone called ME by the wrong name!

    The first time I just got up and left and never saw the guy again.

    The second time it happened was with my now fiance when we were first dating. He had just gotten out of a 5 year relationship about 4 months prior and we were both drunk and he was REALLY sleepy (it was like 4 or 5 in the morning). We stopped what we were doing. I was in shock because I really liked him and I didn't want to hate him for it. But it did hurt my feelings. He wanted me to hit across the face because he felt so bad about it.

    I eventually forgave him because I know he doesn't like his ex. (she cheated on him)  And our names are very similar sounding (Tiffany and Stephanie)  I understood how it happened and why, but it still hurt.  I didn't slap him though. He did send me a dozen roses with a stuffed teddy bear and a card apologizing. And he continued apologizing for like a week!  

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