
In the news Paper today?

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The women in Birmingham starving kids to death, its sick sick.

I wanted to cry when i read it




  1. Very sad. I would imagine that social services were to busy checking out supposed homophobic foster parents rather than checking on children in real danger.

  2. OMG! Why? What paper was it?

    That is awful!

  3. Yes it is very sad.

    The worse thing was the fact that children services were there and got no answer and did not bother to go back.

    Sad about the bullying also. That Muslim scarf is a very controversial object nowadays but this little girl did not deserve that.

    Hope the other children pull through and the mother is put to justice.

    This report made me sad and angry at the same time.


    She was in the UK....There is plenty of help out there for poor and mental disabilities and this lady needed both. There is no excuse......If they were in a POVERISH NATION then it could be understood, but were not. In this case there are no excuses that could justify what happened to this little girl.

  4. Terrible - incredible. I wonder if the parents concerned were some of those who castigated the McCann's on this web site?

  5. It was the limit of awkwardness which she bloody ***** crossed. But there is another side of the coin, and that is: That lady might have been suffering from poverty or might be mentaly sick.

  6. yeah its awful anyway thx for the news you are a good person!!!

  7. These people should be dragged out and stoned to death !

    A kid for gods sake! What th h**l goes on in some folks heads!e

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