
In trouble because of Myspace!?

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Well it was Me, my friend(lets call her bob), and another friend(lets call her billy). WELL Billy wanted a Myspace. Me and Bob already had a myspace... so we decided to help billy make her own myspace (since she's basically hopeless). I let her use my email for her myspace account and she made up her own password, which she told me and bob. It wasn't until we already made the account that she told us she wasn't sure if she was even allowed to have a myspace. So me and Bob just shrugged it off and were like, "Yeah okay, just don't get caught." (BIG MISTAKE, I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME) So everytime her dad came around, we just exited it out quickly. Finally, we decided to go over to my house so we didn't have to be all secretive about it. But Billy couldn't leave. So me and Bob just went by ourselves. When we got to my house, we decided to change up our own myspaces a little and yeah y'know. But after a while, bob said "Hey let's mess up Billy's Page!" and I was just like "HAHAHA YEAH!" because we're all best friends and we just like to joke with each other. So we started putting stuff up on her page (( g*y, Michael Jackson etc etc. )). It was only meant to be put up there until we saw the look on Billy's page and then we would change it back. But suddenly, everything went back to the way it was before. So we just thought that she was back online to change it all back. But we wanted to keep messing with her and changed it all back the way we had it. Finally, after 30 minutes or so, nothing happened. So we just logged out and went to our own myspace. I wanted to check if everything was still there through my account... but when i was looking for her in my friends' List i couldn't find her! So We figured she must have deleted it or something. So I went to check my email and there was a request to delete her account. At first, we were all smug about it but when I read through it... i read that it was her dad that requested it to be deleted. So we started freaking out like OMG WHAT IF HE READ HER PAGE!! Then we decided to call her and see what happened. Billy picked up so at first we were all like "Hi..." "Hello...." "What happened, Billy?" "huh?" "did you dad catch you on myspace..?" "....yeah..." "What did he say?" suddenly her dad's voice came from the phone and was like "You wanna know what I said, Bob?" and we just stared at each other like "OMG!!!!!" and we had no choice but to say "...yes, sir..." and so he went through explaining how myspace is bad, dangerous, online predators and that what we put was not funny. He also said that he was going to tell both our parents What we put and Tell them how bad it is to have a myspace. But the thing is that my mom and bob's mom LET us have a myspace. We're just afraid of what he is going to say about what we put. I KNOW that what we put on her myspace was bad and I feel terrible about it... you don't have to go in and say "Well You shouldn't have done it in the first place!!" or "Well myspace is bad so its actually a good thing . " Someone just give me advice. ]:




  1. Wow this is probably the longest question I've ever read

    but all I can tell you is that theres nothing you can really do but apologise to "Bob's" parents and tell her dad that you and "Bill" never meant to do any harm or to get her in trouble. Hopefully he will understand


  2. Oh dear.

    Seems like you ARE in a mess.

    I think the best idea is to talk to your friend about the page, and if her dad requested a delete.. he most likely saw the page.

    The best idea would be to let the heat cool down for a while before you start using myspace again.

    xxGoodluck!!^^ hope this helps  

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