
Increasing heart beat.......?

by  |  earlier

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Lately I my heart beat has increased and I can really feel it pounding on my chest....I don't know what is wrong but I don't want to go to the doctor and pay the co pay when nothing may be wrong.....I take b12, and it says it is for the heart? But plz can someone help me?




  1. stress

  2. i say stop using b12

  3. Are you taking Caffiene or any other stimulant?

    Also Diet Pills are known for speeding up the heart.

    I'd say just try to take deep breaths and relax when you notice your heart pounding.

    I'd wait until you need to see the doctor for something else and just ask. That way you save on the co pay.

  4. 1st:  Don't play with your life... it's worth WAY more than a copay.

    2nd:  My heart sporadically will begin beathing really fast and hard.  So hard in fact, that I can literally see the shirt over my chest bouncing from the heartbeats.  I did mention it to my doctor when I went in for a physical and she immediately wheeled in an EKG to see if I'd had a heart attack or anything.  It was clear.  I also googled my issue & found that lots of people have had this and it's no big deal.

    3rd:  Go to the doctor!

  5. I am a RMA (registered medical assistant) and from what you've said honestly I would go to a doctor, fast/hard heart beats can be a sign of stroke, and you can get them at any age... it could also be a verity of medical problems so I would recommend that you see a doctor...

  6. just go to the doctor and pay the co pay, you obviously don't know how to describe it and even if we told you, you probably wouldn't understand, so there is no point in asking.

    just breath deep when it happens and try to relax. still, go to the doctor.

  7. b12???? That will make your heart go faster. Omega 3, CoQ10, etc. those are what you should consider.

    Your rapid heart rate could be anything from anxiety to a virus (your heart increases it's work when the body is fighting something off) to any one of many things.  Cut out caffeine, etc.    Go see your doctor.

  8. is it a really random thing that only lasts for a few seconds at a time?

    that happens to me too... not sure what it is, maybe just a spasm of some kind?

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