
Indecision at the register?

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At fast food restaraunt there are large menus, right? Now why do people go up to the register and NOT know what they want? The menu is big, you can see it from a distance. Why do a lot of people not look at it and decide what they want BEFORE they get to the cashiers register? They get to the register and say, "Uh, hmmm, what do I want?" They hold up the line for God knows how long. It is especially sad if it is a popular food chain, they should know whats on the menu and what they want because they go there all the time, even since they were kids. Your thoughts, please.




  1. Its even worse when you are behind them at the drive thru!!!  If you havent been somewhere, dont use the drive thru for the first time!

  2. Well maybe there is an extremely short line and you get up to early 4 u to get enough time. Maybe you have never been to the place. There are a million different senarios and possibilities.


  4. often these places have a breakfast meal posted but dont offer it for lunch , they have burgers posted but dont offer them for breakfast . it is cunfusin to know when every place serves what when the should be changing the menu to read what they are selling at that moment

  5. i hate those people!

  6. i hate that and get alot of anger about it. i feel like yelling at the people and telling them to leave the place. i hate it.

  7. Life is too short to nag the common guy or gal is my opinion.

  8. Lol...yes, that is irritating! Not always, but usually it seems to show the person to be so self absorbed that they can't think about how their actions affect those around them. Same thing when people wait to decide how they want to pay until after all their groceries have been scanned. Or the people who park in front of two gas pumps and then take forever as they shop the entire convenience store.

    We've all blanked out before and have done these things on rare occasions. But some people do it all the time....apparently the world revolves around them.

  9. I guess there are 2 ways to look at this...yes, if you have been standing in line for 5 minutes waiting for your turn, by time you get to the counter you should be ready to order.......but, I don't always go to the same fast food restaurants, and so if i walk in and straight up to the counter, I may take a moment to look at the choices, because these days there are a lot of choices, back in the day, there was only the choice between hamburger and cheeseburger....and fries.

  10. Because unlike (hopefully) when they were kids, they are now drunk!

    d**n you! Now I really fancy a carry what will I have. Hmmm Indian, Chinese, Kebab, pizza.......hmmmm what do I want?

  11. People do not always go to main chain restaurants "all the time." I haven't been to Burger King in 5 years and I barely go to McDonalds once a year.

  12. seriously because to many things confuse our minds. That's why In-n-Out (Fast food chain in California for those who don't know) Have like 4 things on their menu.

    Easy to decide and not confusing.. INSTANT SUCCESS AND FAST LINES!

  13. i get what your saying but you hafta be really careful what you order at fast food places thery mess up my order nearly every time and sometimes fun to find something new you might like.

  14. I agree with you. People need to stand back in line and let others go in front. I let others go ahead of me. I usually know what I want most of the time♥

  15. Be patient these people are american

    speed bumps are being placed in mac d to stop american fat women knocking the counter over

  16. Yeah isn't that annoying?

  17. You are so right!! It drives me nuts!!! But the worst is when they pull-up to drive thru and say "ummm medium diet coke....and ...ummm...chicken nuggets...wait there's more....(then you hear) ok I'm at _____ what did you want again?....and a #3 with coke...." errr by then 10 other people have driven off!!!!!

  18. That is just how it is, most people are stupid

  19. cool

  20. *raises hand

    I am one of those people...

    personally, fast food is kind of gross, just the concept of it is gross too. But, that doesn't stop me from eating it every once in awhile, lol

  21. The menu should be placed by the door so people can think before getting on line.

  22. Ya I know what you mean.  I don't do fast food to much, but I always stand to the side till I figure out what I want.  Some people are just plain rude, and then others are just plain stupid.

  23. well, i need glasses really bad and sometimes i have to wait till i get to the register to order because i cant see from in line.  And sometimes the menus at these places change so much that one time i ordered a number 4 and got something completely different.  I was like, what the h**l is this number 4 burger?  That was not waht I wanted.

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