
Indian culture? Chinese Culture? Focused people?

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At school I noticed that a lot of people from India were doing above average in my classes. I want know how they stay so focused. What kind of values does their family teach. Anything in that subject. This question actually goes for anyone that does well and the chinese culture.




  1. Its in the genes.

    Also the economic condition of asians forces them to do well in studies and get a good job. Because they don't have many options.

    The culture teaches them to work hard to achieve their goals.

  2. Dude it's not about focus, it's in genetics. You noticed that whole stereotype about Asians and good grades, right? Well yeah, it's true, the average Asian IQ is 115+, above average. Average for caucasian/white is about 90-100, and African Americans are around 80-92.

    Like I said, they're not extra-focused because of their religion, it's in their genes. You can just try hard. I'm from Nepal, (most people don't believe it at all because everyone says I look hispanic  :(.. ) and I'm not focused in school whatsoever, but I have a 3.8 GPA. I just find that I don't really have to study that much to get what I'm supposed to learn..

    So yeah, just try harder, and maybe try some Red Bull :O (It really DOES vitalize body and mind, but it tastes like c**p)

  3. India has 80% Hindus, 12% Muslims, 2% Sikhs

    and the rest are Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Jews and Baha'i.

    Since Hinduism is the religion of the majority,

    you may like to explore it at:

    Its true that most Indians pray to Saraswati,

    the Goddess of Education before exams :-)

  4. i am from india. i think many people have good iq here. born with that. But also they have close knit families and everything is taken care of , so they just have to study and concentrate on their studies. So they usually can do that. Even parents are very particular about them getting into good colleges. But sometimes the pressure can be bad also.

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