
Inequality in the family?

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Iam doing a sociology assigment on inequality in the family and trying to find information on the patrichary views, can any one help please




  1. well- if it helps my brother just got 3 birthday cakes... and as i recall- for my last birthday- all i got was a ben & jerry's!

  2. Things that we do go back to ancient times. Men were the hunters, women were the gathers and the givers of life. After Christianity began to rise in the West the status of women changed. Men than became the leaders in the church. They were also the heads of households. Thus creating the situation of today. CHeck out the sources down below

  3. Father Knows Best...

  4. Because of antiquity and perhaps since antiquity males have been destined to posses the reins of patriarchy in the family. Hence, when a family consists of husband, wife and 3 daughters, the husband "holds the rank" of patriarch. Should death find him first, the "rank" is bestowed to the wife. Then the next oldest daughter, etc.

    However, in the same scenario, the wife is pregnant while her husband dies. There are still 3 women making up the family. But Lord and behold, a son is born! The male supremacy as defined by society automatically makes the new born son to be the patriarch when he becomes of age!

    That is "why" antiquity kingdoms often "inter-married" son and daughters, mothers and sons to retain the patriarchy within the family name versus having to "marry outside" the family and cause others to become the ruling monarch.

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