
Infantry Reception question....?

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My bf who is in Army Infantry basic training, wrote me while he is in Reception. He stated they just have to wait on their camo..does that mean once they get their camo then the next step is for them to start training finally? He wrote me on 8/20 - 8/22, saying they would start within in the next week.




  1. It has been twenty years since I was at ft Beginning, GA, LOL. As I remember I was in reception maybe 4 days. It takes a bit of time to get shots, exams, take a PT test and get your gear issued. I also remember being in reception over the weekend so that may account for the time a bit. Reception is boring and I do not remember having any fun. The sooner you get to your company and get training the better in my experience. Ask your B/F if they still call cattle trucks "buses"? You might also ask if he si studying his "Infantryman's  Blue book?" Good luck to him and to you.

  2. when i went to basic in 2000 we didn't actually start until about 2 days after we got our uniforms, and from knowing more know after 9 years in and going back through another school for the Army you also have to wait on a cycle to pick up which shouldn't be too long being he is @ FT Benning they normally try to get soldiers through there as quick as possible.

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