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can anyone share their thoughts about infinity with me.. its a vast thing to think about and id like to see how people think about it.




  1. Infinity can refer to many things. Something that is infinite is not finite, or in otherwords, it is not bounded or not countable. Infinity as a number really doesn't work too well except in certain numbering systems that try to use it. Traditionally, any number divided by 0 is considered not defined. However, one can think of that quotient as equalling infinity because the limit of 1/x as x approaches 0 is infinity. However, it doesn't really make sense because if x/0 = infinity, then x = 0 * infinity which doesn't make much sense.

    Additionally, two different things can be both infinite but one can be larger than the other. For example, look at the set of all integers. It's an infinitely sized set. However, the set of all real numbers, which is also infinite, contains more values than the set of all integers. How many more? Well... infinitely more. It's a strange concept to consider.

    And the universe need not have an edge if it is finite. Think of the surface of a sphere. Can you tell me where the surface ends? You can't find the end of the Earth. No matter what direction you walk on the Earth, you will never reach the "end" (you'll eventually reach ocean and we can't walk on ocean but if you could, my statement holds true). However, the surface of the Earth is finite. It can be quantified.

  2. I will think about this question forever!

  3. Infinity is a fact. The universe has to be infinite. It is really easy to imagine infinite universe than finite. You cannot explain the universe being finite as if it ends somewhere and nothing else after that.

    It is the nature of universe to be infinite. We cannot question it. We have not produced the universe. If it is infinite then it is infinite. There is absolutely no reason why it can't be infinite??

    So far no evidence is there which tells universe is not infinite. Big bang theory only tells little about the universe around us. But it doesn't tell about what is out side this universe. It is arrogancy to think that the universe is only about what was related with big bang. Big bang also fails to tell what existed before it.

    There must be something before big bang. Nothing cannot produce this much big universe.

    Infinite is a tough concept to digest for us. But it is true that universe can be only infinite. It is more difficult to digest that universe is finite.

  4. Since infinity is a proven fact of mathematics I would apply that principle to the universe as well.  I would say if anyone could fully understand infinity they would understand God.

  5. I think infinity is theoretically impossible.

    And if it is possible, it would have to be a paradox.

  6. It's mind boggling when you think that something is never ending. Take numbers for instance, you can always take the largest number you can think of and continuosly add another number to the end of it to make its value greater. There really ins't a limit to that when you think about it. Even distance can be infinite when broken down into fractions and percents. For example; if you get up and walk half way to your front door and stop, then walk half way to the door again, and keep doing this over and over, theoretically you'll never get there, you'll always be halfway there. Theoretically speaking that is because in actuality that is physically impossible. But when you think about it, it's true to a sense.
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