
Influenza? Symptons and Treatment?

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My partner has a bad case of influenza and we have two questions:

Is it normal to have a splitting headache for 3 days (it doesn't respond to Panadeine Forte)?

What is the best why to reduce the symptons/length of the infection?




  1. There are several antiviral meds available to reduce the duration and severity of the infection; however, treatment must be started within a 48-72 hour window from onset.  Headache and fever are unfortunate symptoms.  As another reader mentioned, other over the counter fever reducers/analgesics may offer some relief from the symptoms.  If you can lower his/her temp, the headache may also lessen.  Alternating between tylenol (paracemetol) and ibuprofen (every three hours) may help keep the fever down.  Keep hydrated (keeping the body temp elevated burns a lot of fluid), which could also be causing the headache.  If the pain worsens, or he/she experiences difficulty lowering the chin to the chest, contact the physician for further evaluation.  Otherwise, lots of fluid, rest and meds to help with the fever.  You should load up on your vitamin C, rest and make sure that you wash up well after contact so that you're both not down for the count.  

  2. hey there

    influenza is viral, so theres no antibiotics.  the best way to reduce symptoms is to take vitamin c from the onset of the symptoms.  

    intresting fact, 25% of people cant metabolise codeine (one of the active ingredients of panadene).  that means that u will get no relief from it.  maybe try plain panado (acetaminophen/paracetamol).  500mg 4 times per day.  

    if ur really worried, see a doctor for a more comprehensive treatment.

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