
Informed opinion paper for sociology?

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what issue in society could i easily write a 10 page informed opinion paper on? i am so swamped.. i can't even think anymore..

college is hard :'[




  1. Well, I did mine on breast implants.  I aced it!

  2. Examine the media coverage of the presidential race.  It is a common theme now that many feel the media no longer tries to be impartial.  You can do some content analysis of media reports and look at the variety of studies that have already been done on the topic.

  3. What is happening in society that peaks your interest or raises your passion?   There really is so much going on.  The best topic is one which you are close to.  

    I would do one on families of alcoholics or drug addicts..this is where I feel the most passionate.

  4. Society has pressing issues today. One is the war and the terrorists. Two is the financial new world we are in with globalization and three is a fear of human sexuality gone wild in a civilized country. Five states now have death as a punishment for sexual sins. Of course technology is involved in all of this. There is much to copy paste on line ...just rewrite it all after by making changes , usually removing repetition. Sociology keeps to the facts and not the reasons . All proof ends up in the numbers. Psychology wants to explain why that person went that way. My fees are not too high either.

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