
Injured fish help quick!!!!!?

by Guest45155  |  earlier

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I dropped the fish bowl and it shattered my firs fish was fine but my other fish appeared to be bleeding acting quickly i put them both in water an damened cotton balls and cushened them around the injured fish he is still breathing and when i looked closer i realized the glass seems to have only cut off scares to the point where you can see blood inside him i just got up and relised him from the cotton balls and he seems to want to swim what should i do will he live?




  1. I don't know if he'll live, but a couple things can be done to help.  First, the addition of aquarium salt might help the wound heal and prevent infection.  You didn't say what kind of fish you have, but if it's a scaleless cat fish the salt would probably upset him more than help him.  Keep the fish away from high traffic areas where he might get stressed and if you have a light on the bowl, turn it off.  Your fish needs rest.

    You didn't mention if your fish has filtered water.  Since he's in a bowl I'm going to assume the water isn't filtered.  Every fish needs filtered water.  Even bettas deserve filtered water, although they can survive for some time without it (survive-not thrive).  Your fish has the best chance of making a full recovery if he is put into a filtered tank that has been cycled.  The dirtier the water, the higher the chance he will develop an infection.  Make sure you monitor your fish for signs of a bacterial or fungal infection.  If anything kills your fish, it will probably be an infection.  

  2. he most likely will befine you acted quick which saved him. so you problebly leave him there for a little longer 15-30 minutes and put some fish flakes in and make sure he eats fine and when you do let him swim make sure he is swimming correctly if not wrap him up again and all you can do is pray.  

  3. Net the fish and dab the spot dry quickly. Apply neosporin to the cut and put him back in the water gently. Melafix works great for wounds too if u want to run up to the pet store, would help with infection also.

  4. he will heal

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