
Insecruities/problems. Whats yours...?

by  |  earlier

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Be real. I know everyone has problems. It makes me wonder sometimes about people I know, what their life is REALLY like? You know?

Mine is what people think of me. I strive to look good so people like me. Im 95 lbs at 5'6 and 19 years old. I obsess. And it sucks.

So, I have an eating disorder...depression...anxiety.





  1. i aggree with Rosedolp... fully, but i need to achieve the frame of mind to believe it.

  2. that is really sad, i do not make people like me. I look at life much different then you -  if you dont like me then too bad!  

  3. Insecurities:

    my teeth

    my lazy eye

    my weight

    my hair (some reason it is thinning)

    my small feet

    my nose (it is quite large with my small head)


    I am painfully shy

    I have no self confidence

    I suffer from depression

    Eye Sight (almost blind in one eye)

    Dental (I am a small mouth and too many teeth and i find it absolutely repulsive)

  4. im 5'0, 90lbs and 13yrs old and have the same as you. i always am obsessed on how i look so people will be my friends. :[

    but dont stress my older sis is 5'3, 17yrs old and only 105lbs. but she is way popular and is on the dance team so i have to live up to that.

  5. i think my b***s are too big...i want reduction surgery but im too young (32DD, im 14)

    you should focus on having people be your friend for your personality. those friends will last so much longer than people being your friend based on what you look like. you'll have people who are there for you and people you can be yourself around, trust, etc. you should get help for your eating disorder!


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